3 part 1

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Lucius' P.O.V (2 hours before)

I was holding my son as he sobs from the pain of not having his mate, his Alpha. I feel horrible, but I can't do anything. I just hold him closely. "Daddy please make it better! It hurts! " he pleaded between sobs

"I know Darling, I know. Shh shhh I know, I am so sorry baby boy. " I croon and slowly rock him and I let my scent get stronger.

I get interrupted by an owl carrying a letter. I open the letter and sigh. The Goblins want me and Draco to go to the Bank.

Well...technically just Draco, but I am NOT letting my mateless omega son completely alone!

Not that Narcassia would care. She and Draco never had a close relationship. She is a Beta.

I get interrupted by my thoughts when my little Dragon starts to sob harder. I comfort him a bit more, then get him calmed down enough to get him ready to go to the Bank. I wash his face and put him in a Slytherin green shirt and comfortable black trousers, putting his normal black shoes on him after his green fluffy socks. I fix his platinum hair.

He purred softly as he relaxed at me playing with his soft hair. I croon softly, my little Dragon deserves the world.

I put our coats on and we apperate to the Bank.


Draco's P.O.V

Daddy and I walk into the bank and I wave shyly at the Goblins. They are always much kinder with Omegas. Plus, I am in Daddy's arms...so I can't bow. I look Gripclaw in the eye silently. He chuckled lightly and did the same. I giggle after a long minute.

Gripclaw chuckled lightly again. "Well met, Lord and Heir Malfoy. Please come with me," he said politely and walked off into a door that goes into Gringotts.

Daddy carried me as he followed Gripclaw. I saw a door with a lot of protection and privacy runes. It's Master Griphook's office. Odd...isn't that Potter's account manager?

We walk in after Gripclaw opens the door for us. I see Griphook and Daddy's account manager, Silverstone. I tilt my head in confusion. Daddy sits down and I stay in his lap for now.

"Lord Malfoy, Heir Malfoy, we have asked you to come because young heir Malfoy requires an inheritance test. Lord Potter has just taken one and has found that Albus Dumbledore has tampered with his inheritance. He suspects that the old Wizard did the same with you, Neville Longbottom, Frederick Wesley, George Wesley, and Arthur Wesley, to name a few of you. Only you, Arthur, and young Lord Longbottom are to be tested today, however. Would you accept to taking the test?" Griphook asks and my eyes widen.

My Daddy motions for them to hold on and turns me around in his lap to ask me. "Little Dragon, would you like to take the test?" He asks softly, looking me in my eyes. I slowly nodded after a minute or two of thinking "Yes, Daddy. I want to know if the Headmaster did anything to me." I respond softly. He nodded and the Goblin handed him a knife to gently cut my finger. I whimpered but otherwise didn't complain. He drips 10 drops of blood onto the crystal blue potion, it slowly turning light silver blue, like my eyes.

After giving it back to the Goblin I am handed a roll of parchment and I read it with Daddy reading behind my shoulder.

Birth Certificate

Name: Draconius Lucius Malfoy

Age: 16 ½

Father: Lucius Malfoy (Alpha)

Mother: Narcissa Malfoy nee Black

Godfather(s): Sirius Orion Black-Lupin, Remus Marcus Black-Lupin, Severus Snape-Riddle, James Charles Potter

Godmother(s): Bellatrix LaStrange nee Black, Arthur Wesley nee Winter, Alice Longbottom

I stare it that confused I thought my only Godparents were Uncle Severus and Auntie Bella? I shake my head and keep reading, eyes widening at the next part.

Mate(s): Frederick Winter(Alpha wolf), George Winter(Alpha with Omega tendencies, wolf)

I have mates! I realize quickly that it means my mates are Fred and George Wesley, but Winter must be their true last name. B-but...they hate me! They must hate me. I am mean to their 'little brother', I call them poor and blood-traitors, I am not worth them. They deserve someone better.

"Daddy, are they really my mates?" I ask in disbelief, my dad just crooned and nodded "Must be, Darling Dragon, read the rest." He says gently. I nod and do so. Paling softly.


Mate bond: 100% blocked

Hate potion: (Done yearly, keyed to Harry James Potter (Void), Wesleys, Mudbloods, Hermione J. Granger

Loyalty potion: (Keyed to Albus D.) (Failed)

Love potion: (Keyed to Blaise Zambani ) (Failed, Dosed by Narcassia Malfoy and Albus Dumbledore regularly)

Blocks and Potions Casted by Albus D. And Narcissa Malfoy.

I paled at the last part. "L-Love potion! Mum has been dosing me with Love potion! " I start tearing up. No wonder I couldn't feel my mates. Not only was the bond blocked, but Mum has been messing with my hormones to try and force me with my best friend. I started to sob into my Daddy's shoulder.


Lucius' P.O.V

I am happy my little Dragon has mates. Memories come back to me being friends with Arthur and his mates and what Albus has done to all of us. But I growl when I see everything Albus did to my son. I growl even more when it got to the love potion and my wife's betrayal. How could she cause pain to her son?

I am knocked out of my thoughts when Draco starts to sob. I hold him and let my scent wash over him. Trying to calm my baby boy down.

In the most level voice I can I address the Goblins. "I would like all the potions and blocks off my son, please. I don't care how much it is. "

Griphook nodded and once my Dragon was calm, we got the blocks and potions off/out. Afterwards, I hold him and thats when Arthur, and Lord Longbottom arrive. Both look nervous. Griphook snapped his fingers and three chairs appear. I set the now calm Draco in the free seat next to me. The others shyly sitting down.

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