part 11 (wolfy pov)

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{extra : artic a.k.a my pet room}

{i guess she could have her own room even tho she is 3}

i put artic (a.k.a my pet) to her bed and tuck her to sleep.

she like to sleep a lot when its sunny sooo ehh.

i go out of the room and go to the study room.

when i come in the room, tommy and purpled greet me with "oh hey wolfy".

"soooo who is that kid??" tommy ask confused of course.

"oh, that is my pet name 'artic' because she is an artic fox like me but smaller and she is 3 months old.

<headcanon : for baby foxes, wolves and cats, each months mean years for them,
example :
1 month = 1 years old
2 month = 2 years old

soooo artic is 3 months old mean she is 3 years olds>

"where did you find her??" purpled ask me.

"i found her beside a weird house shack with a lot of wolves/dogs, they try to hurt her soo i help her" i said almost lost my breath.

"anyways, let that stuff aside and lets continue reading some book's!!" i said to those two.

its 1pm,

we were getting bored,sooo we get out of the study room and goes to the kitchen.

{i changed the kitchen because this kitchen look more modern then before}

i grap some banana and eat the banana while sitting at the stool.
Tommy drink some juice while sitting at the stool.
and purpled is eating an apple and sitting at the stool.

i sit at the left side of the middle,
Tommy sit at the Right side of the stool while purpled sit at the middle of the stool.

twilight goes out too few hours ago.

"we are back!!" some familiar noise yell from the front door.

Twilight and percy are back with some stuff.


percy and twilight got :

some vines from the egg for the blonde duo. (percy ask the egg and the egg let her have some of the vines)

some new books for twilight work.

a jumping rope for me.

some flowers crowns for artic.

some art stuff for percy since she have a project.


twilight and percy put away the stuff and goes to the kitchen and see us chatting about stuff.

"hey you guys" percy said as she crossed her arm and lean beside the wall.

"oh hey percy,we didn't see you there and btw, where is twilight??" purpled ask.

"she goes to her work stuff again-" percy said.

"btw wanna go swim at the pool??" percy suggest.

"nah, im getting sleepy, imma go sleep for awhile but you guys go have fun!!" i said as i walk out of the kitchen and go upstairs to my room.


















































































































































































































































































































































































































im actually not sleepy :>

imma go to my room now.

i lock the door and goes to my desk.

i open my laptop and see its 3:29pm, did i talk to those two for 2 hours at the kitchen??

does not matter now.

let's get into my point :>

my computer pov :

------ chatting group

¿¿¿¿ :
hey guys, everyone online??

me :
im here!!

?????? :
im here too!!

‽‽‽‽ :
im also here!!

¿¿¿¿ :
alright, lets start the meeting now :)

me :
of course,
who wanna
started first??

?????? :
you wolfy, i heard
someone is at your
groups house.

¿¿¿¿ :
yeah, who is that people's??

me :
its purpled and tommy,
but they are new as we needed

oh really??

me :
yup, they are part of
the eggpire now as we needed them
to join that pire Right??

?????? :

yup, we need those two
to join the pire!!

me :
we are lucky honestly-
like dream help us
with it-

?????? :

‽‽‽‽ :
he is dumb than we thought

me :
even tho dream is
your ## ‽‽‽‽-
you can be evil for

‽‽‽‽ :
who said I can't
be evil??

me :
oh ummm
i need to go, see ya!!

¿¿¿¿ :
see you later!!

?????? :
see ya!!



i close my computer and sigh, its just tomny knock on my door.

"what is it tommy??" i ask tommy.

"nothing, just checking on you since we heard you laughing for the pass few minutes" tommy answer.

"oh, im ok just checking some video before fell asleep" i lie for 'safety'.

"alright then, we b downstairs, see ya!!" tommy told me as he when downstairs.

then i go to sleep :)


{ i know you guys have questions but how about you guys save it for a surprise :>

bye for now}


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