part 2

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'bbh was doing stuff with punz and antfrost.'

dream private chatting bbh : hello bbh,im out from prison and i have the boy.can you come to this coordinate? it was **********.

bbh private chatting dream : alright,i be there with antfrost.

'ant and bbh are at the coordinate that dream state'

dream : took you long enough,the kid is at that tree.
now where is my stuff?

bbh : alright here is your stuff,nice to do stuff with ya :)

(bbh promise dream to give dream his armor and stuff but he has to give bbh tommy)

'tommy wake up and see himself surrounded by the red egg vines.'

tommy : wtf is happening,ow my head,ow-

bbh : language,and sorry about the head that someone do that to you-

tommy : wait,bad what am im doing here??

bbh : oh,you came here to see stuff,yea-

tom : wait what,i dont-

"ant knocks tommy out"

ant : he have to shut for awhile!?

bbh : are you serious!!

ant : at least the egg can control his mind a bit!!

bbh : good point-

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