Be Mine: pt.2 to "When Did That Happen?"(Kyoya x reader)

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(a/n: a anonymous reader requested a part 2 to "When Did That Happen?"

Kyoya looked at his watch as he put the finishing touches on dinner. He knew that you'd be back home soon and if he was honest with himself, he'd admit he was nervous. He was about to change the entire arrangement he had with you. He straightened his tie as he heard the door unlock. "What in the world?" he heard you say from the entry way. Clearly you had noticed the flowers scattered in vases throughout the apartment.

You finally made your way to the kitchen and found Kyoya standing there. "Kyoya, what is this? This is unlike you." Kyoya smiled and pulled out your chair. Once he sat down opposite you, the two of you ate in silence. You were confused by his behavior. This definitely wasn't like him. Kyoya Ootori did not buy you flowers and he certainly didn't cook you dinner often. He only did that when the two of you had a scheduled "date" at his home.

After dinner, you wiped your mouth and stared at the raven- haired man. "Are you going to answer my question now, Mr. Ootori? Or must I continue to sit here in suspense?" Kyoya smirked and answered, "I should think it was obvious, Y/N." You stood and walked over to his side of the table. "Not to me it isn't. Now explain." Kyoya looked up at you. His onyx eyes met your (e/c) ones and he suddenly felt nervous again.

He cleared his throat, "Y/N, I realized something this morning and to be honest, it took me by surprise." You cocked an eyebrow, making the anxiousness multiply again. Kyoya did not like being out of control and he felt that way with you standing over him. "And what was that?" you asked coyly, thinking that this conversation was going the same direction it always went. To the bedroom. "I realized that I have fallen in love with you."

Your eyes went wide and you struggled to find words. "You what?" Smooth Y/N. "I love you, Y/N." You shook your head. "No," you whispered as you backed away. Kyoya's brows furrowed. "What do you mean?" You began breathing heavily. "I mean 'no', Kyoya. You can't. I cannot do this." You felt the tears forming. "And why is that?" Thoughts raced through your mind. Thoughts of how you grew up in the foster system, of how you only had few friends and of how every man you'd loved had never truly loved you back.

It was the reason you enjoyed the arrangement you had with Kyoya. There were no strings attached. It was impossible to get your heart broken. "I can't, Kyoya. I can't go through it all again," you sobbed out. The tears where flowing freely as you continued, "If I admit that I've fallen for you, I open my heart up to be broken again and I just cannot do that." Kyoya stood and closed the space between you. He smirked down at you and you realized what you had revealed.

"Say it, Y/N." Kyoya lifted your chin up to look in your eyes and he repeated, "Say it, Y/N. Please?" You blinked the tears away. You saw something in Kyoya's eyes that you'd never seen before. Compassion, worry and above all, love. "I-I love you, Kyoya," you whispered. Kyoya smiled. Not his calculated, practiced smile but a genuine grin. "I love you too, Y/N," he said before bringing his lips to yours.

This kiss was different than all the other ones you shared with Kyoya. It was gentle and sweet and full of love, not lust. When you pulled away for air, you breathed, "By the way, you should know that I'm allergic to those flowers." Kyoya laughed. "I will remember that," he replied before pulling you in for another kiss. The second of many more to come.


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