Halloween (Host Club/Kyoya Ootori x reader)

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You smiled as you hung up the last of the decorations. The Host Club was hosting a Halloween party that night and you were so excited. You already had your costume picked out and you were dying to show it off, particularly to a certain host. Kyoya. While you were really close with all the hosts in the club, it was Kyoya who had captured the most attention from you.

"Y/N/N-chan! I can't wait to see your costume! I bet you look so cute in it!" Honey cried as you climbed down off the ladder. "Thanks, Honey. If everything's done being setup, I think I'll go home and change. See you guys later!" you said as you turned to leave the room. "Y/N, could you wait a moment?" You stopped and looked at Kyoya. "Oh, hey, Kyoya. What's up?"

"I noticed you have not chosen a host for the party tonight. May I ask why?" You shrugged. "I don't know. Guess I couldn't decide," you replied with a wink. "See you around, Kyoya." You skirted by him and made your way out the door. You wondered why Kyoya asked. It wasn't as if he'd shown any interest before.

Like you said, you went home and got ready for the party. You grinned at your reflection in the mirror. You looked wonderful in your costume and you couldn't wait for everyone to see it. You left your room and headed down to your car. You decided against taking the limo that night. You pulled into the school parking lot and smiled. Students were filing in, all wearing amazing costumes. Part of you grimaced because you knew you were going to have a hard time judging the costume contest.

You walked in and your eyes scanned the room. You found Honey first. That was easy considering he was riding on Mori's shoulders. You giggled at them. "I was right! You look so cuuuuuuute, Y/N/N-chan!"Honey cooed and you chuckled. "So do you, Honey. Where are the others?" you asked, cheering when it didn't come out 'Where is Kyoya?'

"They're around. Actually Kyo-chan was waiting for you over by the buffet table. You have to judge the costumes!" You smiled. "Right. Thanks, Honey." You turned and headed over to the table. Honey glanced down at Mori. "They are clueless, huh?" Mori nodded. "Yeah."

You found Kyoya exactly where Honey said he would be. However, before you could reach him and talk to him, you felt your arms being grabbed. "That's some costume, Y/N," Hikaru said. "Trying to catch someone's eye?" Kaoru asked. You felt your face heat up. "Don't be silly. Are you going to let me go?" They beamed. "Not until you dance with us!" they said in unison, pulling you toward the dance floor.

You danced with them for several minutes. You laughed at their antics, like you always did. You were having so much fun, you'd forgotten about meeting Kyoya. That is until you heard him clear his throat behind the three of you. You looked at him with a smile. "As much as I'm delighted that you are enjoying yourself, we have a job to do Y/N."

You giggled sheepishly. "Oops. Sorry, Kyoya. I guess I like dancing a little too much." Kyoya titled his head and gave you a calculated smile. "That's quite alright. If you'd still like to dance, I believe we can do both." Your brows furrowed in confusion. Kyoya took your hand in his and he swept you onto the floor.

To say you were surprised was an understatement. It was completely unexpected, especially from the Shadow King. You were in such a state of shock, you didn't realize you were staring at him. "It is rather difficult to judge costumes if you're not looking, Y/N," Kyoya stated plainly, causing your cheeks to heat up again. Your eyes left his face and you glanced around the room.

You weren't doing a very good job. You were too engrossed in the feeling of being so close to Kyoya. You cleared your throat and pushed away from him slightly. "I think I'm done dancing now. Thank you, Kyoya. I think I'll go look around that half of the room for a minute. See if there are any contenders." You hurried away from him. You had been way too close to telling him how you felt. "What's wrong, Y/N?" Tamaki asked when he saw you coming. You smiled and shook your head. "Nothing at all. I love your costume, Tamaki!"

Tamaki preened at that, just like you knew he would. "Do you really? It's a Hitachiin original. In fact, all the Host's costumes are. I have to say, it does flatter me." You laughed. You were just happy you'd taken his mind off you for a few moments. You didn't notice Kyoya across the room, seething with jealousy.

It went on like that throughout the night. In a swirl of costumes and decorations, you danced, laughed with the Hosts, and ate all while trying to judge costumes and avoid Kyoya. Finally, you couldn't avoid him anymore. You had to come to a consensus about the costumes. "There you are, Y/N." You grinned at him. "Here I am. Shall we discuss?"

Kyoya opened his mouth to agree, but was cut off by Tamaki. "Ladies and gentlemen, we are pleased to announce the winner of the costume contest!" You and Kyoya exchanged a confused glance. You hadn't made a decision yet. "It appears as though there is a tie! The two winners will get to share in a special dance as well as sharing the prize. Our winners are Kyoya Ootori and Y/F/N!" A spotlight shone on you two.

Your mouth dropped open. What? You looked at Kyoya and saw his fists clenched at his sides. "That idiot," he muttered. You forced another smile. "It's okay, Kyoya. If you don't want to dance, you don't have to." You moved to step away, but Kyoya stopped you. "I would never deny the clients the opportunity to see the winners in action." You rolled your eyes but let Kyoya pull you into another dance.

You glanced at the others. They were all winking and giving you a thumbs up. They had so planned it. "I think our friends are trying to play matchmaker, Kyoya," you whispered, turning back to him. "That appears to be the case. And I will deal with it tomorrow. For now, let's just enjoy the rest of our Halloween."    

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