How Do I Say It?(Kyoya Ootori x fem!reader x Tamaki Suoh)

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You walked into the Host Club with a heavy heart again. You'd been the same way for months. Over the course of the school year, you'd been shrinking further and further into your shell. However, you hid it behind a mask of false smiles and happiness. You hid it well. Or so you thought.

Two hosts had noticed. Kyoya and Tamaki, your two best friends. When you walked in that day with your shoulders slumped and you gaze downcast, the two exchanged a glance. They could see just how down in the dumps you were, but it was Kyoya who approached you first as always.

"Y/N? What seems to be the problem?" You shook your head, refusing to answer. You weren't sure how. "No problem at all, Kyoya. I think I'll request Mori today." Kyoya pushed his glasses up as he frowned. He wasn't used to being told no. Especially not by you. You told both him and Tamaki everything. And you never requested Mori. You always sat with either Tamaki or Kyoya. Even through his confusion, Kyoya knew that Host Club duties came first so he left to inform Mori.

You sighed in relief. You'd requested Mori because the silent host wouldn't ask questions and Honey would be too busy stuffing his adorable face with cake to notice your change in attitude. You knew the peace wouldn't last long though. You'd been keeping your secret for far too long and the longer you kept it inside, the more quiet you grew. The more withdrawn.

Unfortunately, you didn't know how to tell anyone what was on your mind. What if they saw you differently? What if they didn't want to be your friends anymore? What if you were alienated now? All those questions and more bounced around your head as you waited. You were driving yourself crazy. You barely even noticed when Mori came over and sat next to you.

Mori slid a cup of tea in front of you with a soft smile. "Thanks, Mori." You drank your tea in silence until someone's shadow on the table caught your attention. "Princess?" You glanced up at Tamaki. Sighing once again, this time in defeat, you thanked Mori once more and stood. You knew you had to at least try to talk to Tamaki. If you didn't, he'd just pout and give you puppy dog eyes until you gave in. When the King of the Host Club wanted something, he usually got it.

You followed Tamaki into the adjoining room and you heard Kyoya's sure footsteps behind you. Tamaki immediately took his seat at the piano while you sat on the couch nearby with Kyoya next to you. "Y/N," Tamaki started softly, surprising you. Tamaki was very much a drama queen(king) and it wasn't like him to be so quiet. "Talk to us. It's obvious something is bothering you."

You glanced between him and Kyoya. Kyoya wore his usual stoic expression, but you could tell he was worried as well. In truth, it surprised you that he didn't know already. He knew everything it seemed. You continued to look between the two boys, unsure of how to say it. Taking a deep breath, you decided to just come out with it. They were your best friends after all.

"I-I have been keeping a secret from you. From everyone really." The two didn't reply. They were waiting for you to continue. You closed your eyes and just let it out, "I just wasn't sure how to tell you. I didn't think you'd want to be my friends anymore. I'm bisexual." You exhaled loudly and waited. Silence.

You opened your eyes to find your two friends looking at you with confused smiles on their faces. "Is that all? Why would we stop being your friends because of that? So you like girls too. Another thing we have in common." You couldn't fight a laugh as Tamaki came over, sat down and threw an arm around your shoulders. Kyoya took a moment to write something down in his book. "Thank you for confirming my suspicions, Y/N." You glared playfully at him.

"You knew?!" Tamaki cried, dramatically jumping up and pointing accusingly at Kyoya. Kyoya merely smirked and shrugged slightly. "I had my suspicions. Clearly, I pay closer attention to detail. Have you not noticed how much time Y/N spends getting closer to our clients rather than the hosts?" Tamaki raised a hand to his chin and thought for a moment. "Maybe you're right, Kyoya." Then he snapped and cried, "I've got an idea!"

Before he could even say it, you interrupted, "I'm not becoming a host, Tamaki." The blond immediately went to a corner to sulk. "Tamaki is right though. You didn't have to be afraid to tell us. No one in the Host Club is going to think differently of you nor will they treat you differently." You gave Kyoya a smile and leaned over to kiss his cheek.

"Thanks, Kyoya," you whispered and then turned to Tamaki, "And thank you, Tamaki." In an instant, Tamaki was on his feet and back at the couch. He kissed your hand and grinned."Now, I just have to tell everyone else." Tamaki helped you up. "We'll be right there with you. Right, Kyoya?" Kyoya nodded. You beamed and the three of you returned to Music Room #3. Your heart felt lighter than it had in months.    

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