Make Up?-Part 2 of Break Up (Hikaru x fem!reader)

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(HERE  IT IS! THE LONG AWAITED 2ND PART OF "BREAK UP"! I do apologize for taking so long...and for all the feels in this part.)

You didn't think a prestigious school like Ouran Academy would have class reunions. Apparently you were wrong. It had been five years since you graduated Ouran and now you were standing just outside the doors of one of the ballrooms. The last time you had walked through these halls, you'd had a broken heart. It was only a few months after breaking things off with the boy you had loved more than anything in the world.

"Y/N? I didn't expect to see you here." You turned at the sound of the voice you had once known. "Hello, Kaoru," you greeted with a slight bow. He smiled a little, tightening his arm around the woman next to him. "H-How are you?" you asked, cursing your voice for wavering. You weren't the same girl in the yellow dress uniform anymore. You were a grown woman for goodness sake! "Good. Oh, I should introduce you. This is Akari, my fiancée. Akari, this is Y/N. She's one of Hikaru's ex girlfriends." You winced at Hikaru's name and Kaoru noticed.

"Akari, why don't you go inside, okay? I'll meet you in a minute." Kaoru's eyes never left you as his fiancée went inside. It wasn't until her retreating footsteps could no longer be heard that he actually spoke again. "I'm sorry, Y/N." You blinked in surprise. Of all the things you'd expected him to say, that wasn't it. "What?"

"I'm sorry. I know I was the reason you broke up with Hikaru. I never really saw you after that and never got the chance to apologize. It was...a tough time for me. Before you came around, I never had the chance to feel lonely. I always had Hikaru. But he started seeing you and it was like the person I could always count on had abandoned me."

You opened your mouth to protest, but Kaoru held up a hand to stop you. "I see now that it was never the case. Despite Hikaru's love for you, he would never really abandon me. Even if you had gotten married and had children of your own. But we were still children then and I had a lot to learn about being my own person. I was afraid." You bit your lip to keep the tears at bay.

Your mind was racing a mile a minute. Here Kaoru was, apologizing for something that you had done. It was a tough blow. But what was even more tough was the fact that you had never blamed him for the break up in the first place. You were the one who had made that decision. Not Kaoru and certainly not Hikaru.

"How is he, Kaoru? Is he well?" Kaoru smiled again. "Honestly? He is. I mean, he isn't broken anymore. It took a while for him to pick up the pieces, but he did. I really expected him to be angry at you or at me, but he wasn't. He hasn't dated anyone since though." At your fallen expression, Kaoru continued, "But I don't think it's because he doesn't trust anyone. I think it's because he's been waiting to see if you would come back."

You were confused again. Based on that last conversation, you had assumed that Hikaru never wanted anything more to do with you. You had moved on from him. Sort of. You had gone to college and had even been married for a while. It didn't work out and you knew why. You knew that part of, if not all, your heart would always love Hikaru. Sure, you were opposites in many ways, but that was why you worked so well a lot of the time.

"I doubt that," you began softly, "The day I b-broke up with him, Hikaru said that if I walked away, we would never get back together." Kaoru didn't reply. He simply kept his amber eyes on you. Instead, another voice, a voice that sent shivers down your spine, responded, "I lied." You spun around to see Hikaru leaning up against a pillar, his own set of amber eyes fixated on you.

"Thanks for giving me time, Kaoru. I'll take it from here. And by the way, you really should teach that fiancée of yours how to tell us apart." Kaoru rolled his eyes and laughed. As he passed you, he reached out and squeezed your shoulder gently. He leaned in and whispered, "You're good for him, Y/N. Talk to him. I hope things work out." With that, he went inside to join the party-goers, leaving you alone with Hikaru.

"Hikaru," you finally managed to breathe out. He flashed you a soft, yet nervous smile. "Can we talk, Y/N?" You nodded. You felt a bit like a teenager again as you followed Hikaru out to the old hedge maze. Part of you wondered why he'd bring you back there. That was where everything had gone so sour before.

"I avoided this place for a long time after that day," Hikaru began. He looked at you again, one hand in his trouser pocket. "I couldn't stand the thought of being here after you broke up with me." You licked your lips and shuffled your feet. "I'm sorry, Hikaru."

"I don't need an apology from Y/N. It took a while, but I realized that I'm the one that needed to apologize. You were right in saying that Kaoru needed me more than I needed you. I needed him too. I wasn't ready for a relationship. And in a way, you breaking up with me was for my own good. I like to think I'm an even better person than I was back then. It's like when you have to trim back the old branches on the hedges so new ones can grow."

You couldn't think of anything to say. He had apologized, in a very Hikaru sort of way, but it didn't tell you much else. "Hikaru-" He cut you off for a moment. "Y/N, let me finish. You know I'm not...good with this kind of stuff. I know Kaoru told you that I haven't been with anyone else. I also know he told you why he suspects that is and he's right. I didn't date because I wanted to be certain that, if I ever saw you again, if there was a chance we could make up, I wanted to be free to take it."

You stared dumbly at him. He stared back at you. It was like a middle school staring contest mixed in with an elementary school quiet game. Neither of you wanted to blink and it was as if neither of you could speak. You just stood there, staring at each other, not saying anything. To your surprise, it was Hikaru who spoke first.

"This was stupid. I should have guessed you weren't interested anymore. It's been too long." He began walking pass you. Without even thinking, your hand shot out and grabbed his arm. "Wait." He looked at you and you could see unshed tears. "Hikaru...I was just surprised. The last time we talked, well, it didn't go so well did it?" He laughed lightly. "I guess not."

"I did move on. Briefly. But you were never far from my heart, Hikaru. I don't know if we can make it work the second time around, but I'd like to try." A brilliant smile lit up Hikaru's face. "You mean it?" You nodded as your lips tilted up into a smile of your own. "I do." Hikaru arched a brow. "Isn't that something a bride is supposed to say?" You felt your face heat up as you groaned and hid your face in your hands. Hikaru laughed. He turned and gently took your hands away from your face to hold them in his. "You always were cute when you got flustered," he said leaning in slightly to press a kiss to your forehead. 

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