When Did That Happen? (Kyoya x reader)

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The sunlight streaming through the bedroom window woke Kyoya Ootori. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and looked over to find your sleeping form still next to him. Kyoya smiled to himself as he looked you over. The two of you had a unique...arrangement. You weren't in a relationship. You basically used one another for relief when life got too stressful and that's how you both liked it. It had been that way for a couple of years. This morning felt different, however. At least to Kyoya.

As he watched your chest rise and fall with breath, something struck him. "When did that happen?" He didn't have any more time to think on it. Your cell phone rang jolting you from slumber. You reached over and managed to croak out, "Hello?" Kyoya watched in amusement. You probably didn't realize that he was still in your bed. Normally after your nights together at your place, Kyoya would be gone before you woke. The same was true when you stayed at his place.

You hung up the phone and groaned. "Good morning, Y/N." You jumped, proving Kyoya's suspicions correct. "Kyoya! You're still here," you said trying to get your heart rate back down. He gave a small chuckle at your reaction. "I've given myself some time off so there was no need for me to leave early. Not mention, I am not a morning person." It was your turn to laugh as you moved to get out of bed. Kyoya pushed his glasses up on his nose and rested his chin in his hand for a moment as he watched you move about the room.

"Kyoya, you can let yourself out, can't you? Unlike you, I have to work today," you said as you pulled your (h/c) hair off your neck. Kyoya gave a curt nod. You grabbed your work bag and turned to back to him. This is why you both always made sure to leave before the other woke up. You wanted to avoid the awkwardness. "So, um...I'll see you. You know, next time." You could feel the heat hit your cheeks as you looked in his grey eyes. Kyoya gave another short nod and you left your apartment.

Kyoya sat there for a few moments, thinking. "Why am I feeling this way? We came to this arrangement so I wouldn't feel like this." When he watched you this morning, he realized that he didn't want to scurry out of the apartment. He realized just how much he needed you in his life, and not just in the way you had been there. He wanted you in every aspect of his life. He wanted you there when he woke up every morning and he wanted you in his arms every night. He wanted to take you out to nice dinners and shows. He didn't want to just eat dinner and jump into bed.

Kyoya Ootori was never one to admit any kind of weakness, but he knew now that he had one. You. Without realizing it, the Shadow King had fallen in love with you. He wondered how it had happened. One night, everything was the same as it had been and the next day, his entire outlook on the arrangement changed. He made up his mind and the first thing he did was call the florist. He was going to tell you how he felt. He needed you and he hoped that you needed him as well.


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