Arai x reader

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Sweet like you

"So what's this one?"

"It's a watermelon (y/n)"


"And this one?"


"It's watermelon..."

"Oh.. "


The brown haired boy sat on his bed watching the girl infront of him flip through the pages of a magazine. A fruit magazine.

Every picture had a different sized watermelon from a contest last week and (y/n) was having fun annoying her boyfriend.

"What do watermelons taste like?"

"Like watermelon"

"But what does that taste like"

"You've had watermelon before (y/n)"

"Yeah but Arai...describe it in words."

Arai sighed and sat beside her.

"It tastes sweet I guess."

(Y/n) tilts her head. Sweet? What does that mean? Sweet like what? Giggling the (h/c) girl looked at him.

"Describe sweet."

Arai suddenly cupped her cheeks and kissed her.

"Sweet like you."

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