Haruhi x reader

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Always and forever.

"So...I'll never get to see mommy anymore?"

I just saw my best friend ask her dad that question. We were so young and this couldn't be easier for her. I've known Haruhi all my life and now this has happened to her.

I walked up to her and took her other hand in mine.

I'll be with her Always and Forever.



Arai, a kid in our middle school called out to Haruhi. It hurt inside. I knew he had a crush on her....so did I. No one knew that though....no one would think it was right for a girl to like a girl...I don't think it matters though. Besides she doesn't even like me like that...I'm just her best friend.

"I'm going to the councilors office (y/n). I'm taking Arai there...catch you later okay? " She asks me tapping my shoulder before taking off down the hall with the brunette boy in tow.

I'll love you...Always and Forever.


"Welcome Ladies!~"

The host club said that everyday in unison without fail. Haruhi was now apart of the host club and my feelings had not changed.

I didn't have Arai to worry about but now I had Tamaki...and possibly Hikaru too.

I walked over to Haruhis table as I had requested to see her. I do everyday and Kyoya said I didn't have to ay since I'm close friends with her.

"How has your day been?" I ask her with a smile.

Haruhi pouts a little, "We had a party last night and I still didn't get any fancy tuna." She mumbled.

I laugh softly, "Well, wanna come over for a study session tonight? I'll get you some tuna?"

Her eyes lit up and she smiled nodding her head quickly, "Yes! You're the greatest friend ever!"

My heart breaks a little more.

"Of course. I'll be the greatest friend always and forever" I smiled.


"You can't die!"

I heared her scream. It had been a blur. A huge one.

Us and the host club decided to go to the Commoners park and Haruhi had been crossing the road when a car came.

I heard Tamaki and Honey-senpai scream and before I knew it i was the one on the floor covered in blood. I pushed her out of the way and now here I was.

I looked up at Haruhi through half lidded eyes. I didn't have long. I could practically feel the life draining from me.

"Please....you can't leave me..." she whispered starting to cry.

Even Kyoya couldn't help and his family are doctors.

As I was about to talk I felt her lips on mine. Something I had wanted to feel for so long.

"I love you....you can't go!" She cried out and I smiled. I had gotten what I wanted most in life. I loved her. She loved me.

"Haruhi....I will love you..."

My eyes closed.


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