Hikaru x reader

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You can tell...?


"So can you tell?" One started.
"Which of us it Hikaru?" The other finished.

I just stared at them and shrugged, "You're Hikaru and you are Kaoru" I said bluntly pointing to the twin on the right and then the one of the left.

Hazel eyes stared into mine as I shrugged and walked off. I knew I had gotten it right because I had a huge crush on Hikaru...so to me, it was easy to tell them apart.

~time skip~

Later that day I saw the back of one of the twins. It was Kaoru.

"Hey!" I called out

He stopped and turned to me, "Hey (y/n) what's up?" He asks with a smirk.

"What are you smirking at Kaoru?" I asked him.

Shock flooded his fave before he returned to his cheeky disposition, "What? I'm Hikaru. You got it wrong~"

I sighed and shook my head, "Hmm...no. You are Kaoru. I have a crush on Hikaru so I should know which twin is which......oh no..." I covered my mouth as I realised what I had said.

I felt someone hug me from behind as I looked up I saw Kaoru walking off with a grin on his face so I know it wasn't him who was hugging me.

Breathing tickled my ear and then the words, "You can tell..."

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