honey x reader (friendship)

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"(Y/n)-Chan!" Honey Senpai cried as he ran to me and clung to my legs. Mori Senpai walked up to me too, following his crying cousin.

"Honey....." I sighed and sat in the ground so he could hug me. I glanced up at the tall male, "Why's he crying?" I asked

Mori sighed, "He has a cavity....he can't eat any sweets or sugar.." he explained.

I nodded my head and hugged him tightly. "You're having sugar now though!" I declared

The little blonde boys head shot up, "Where is the sugar!?" He yelled.

I smiled and hugged him again, Ever heard the expression 'Give me some sugar' ?" I asked him.

His eyes widened and he smiled widely, "Oh! This is sugar! I Like this sugar! Thanks (y/n)-Chan!"

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