Kyoya x reader

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The little black book with nothing to gain.

"Oh come on senpai. Just a look!" I begged Kyoya as I sat next to him in his room.

"It is my book and you may not look." He said pushing his glasses up while crossing one leg over the other

"But whyyyyyyyy?" I groaned in annoyance and laid on his bed.

He smirked and place his little black book down beside him before climbing up on top of me.

"You want to know why?"He asks taking off his glasses placing them on the bed as well.

I blushed brightly and nod my head, "Yeah....I w-wanna know why..." I said looking into his eyes.

"Well that's simple....i wouldn't gain anything from you looking....and neither would you....But from gain everything."

And with that, his lips pressed to mine.

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