Nekozawa x Neko! reader

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My little kitten

It was dark....I was alone....

"Hello?" A voice called out.

The voice I recognise the most. The pretty blonde prince called Nekozawa.

The room I'm in is off to the side of the Host club. Appearing from random gothic doors that appear every now and then.

The black magic club room.

"You in here?" He asks.

I nod my head. I can't talk. I have never been ever able to talk.

Sitting crossed legged as I played with my (h/c) hair that matched my ears and tail.

He smiled. He wasn't wearing his cloak or wig. I could see his blue eyes. His blonde hair.

I loved him.

He sat in front of me and petted behind my ears. My tail wagged behind me....I purred softly.

This caused him to smile.

"Do not fret my little one knows that you are here. My are safe. Always." He said softly and kissed my cheek.

I was his kitten..

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