Nekozawa x reader

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Only becuase of you..

"Oh come in Mistress (y/n). Master Umehito Is upstairs." The maid said to me. I smiled at her and nod my head before taking off my shoes and began to make my way up the grand staircase.

I keep telling them to stop calling me Mistress as I am only a commoner but they refuse every time.

I stopped at the top of the stairs where a huge portrait of Umehito stood proud. Little drawings of chalk belzenef made by Kirimi in the bottom corner made me laugh.

It was so bright in here until I got to the corridor of his room, it was so dingy and dark. Not again....

"Umehito.." I called knocking on his door. "Come told me to come over so I'm here...what's up?" I asked.

The door slowly opened and I was dragged inside and pulled onto the bed, pinned down. That happened quick...

Opening my eyes I gazed into the blue ones above me, "Umehito..." I mumbled, confused as to what was happening.

He didn't have his Cape on. Nor his wig, blonde hair showing. Belzenef wasn't on his hand but was on his bedside table. What was this...

"I need help" he said looking down at him.

Nodding my head I looked up at him, "What with?" I questioned curiously.

Slowly he let me up again and walked to the window, "Follow me.." he said softly.

I was so confused as to what was happening but decided to role with it and followed him. He shifted front of him and so the curtains were in front of me.

"I wanna be friends with the light....but I need you're help. Open the curtains and then don't move."he said to me. I could feel him right behind me.

I smiled and slowly opened the curtains letting light flood into the room. As I did, I felt he arms snake around my waist and his chin rest agaisnt my shoulder. I blushed brightly but let him, on fact I relaxed and leaned back agaisnt him too. This was nice.

"See...the light isn't that scary is it?" I whispered softly.

"Only becuase of you.." he replies before kissing the crook of my neck causing me to smile.

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