Bitchy Bitchy Who Now?

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   It was a pretty normal day- or as normal as you can get at Ouran. That is... until it wasn't.

   Everyone was sticking to their usual activities. Halfway throught the meeting, I got bored of drawing outfits and decided to draw a person instead, so I looked around the room for a candidate.

   Haruhi? No, she's busy with some girls.

   The twins? Nope. Bugging Tamaki.

   Honey? Too hyper.

   Mori? Busy with Honey.

   Tamaki? Um no. Too...much.

   So that leaves... Kyoya. Perfect.

   Kyoya was sitting at his table typing away on his pineapple computer.

   I smiled and walked over to him with my sketchbook in hand.  He raised an eyebrow, but said nothing as I pulled a chair up in front of him so I could see his face.

   I began sketching. Continuously glancing at his concentrated face and trying to get it down on paper.

    At one point I looked up to find him staring at me. His cheeks were tinted pink the slightest bit. I smiled and went back to sketching, not wanting to ruin the quiet moment.

   After a while, the clubroom had emptied out and I had finished my drawing. I smiled and showed the sketch to Kyoya. I made sure to add the blush on his cheeks. He looked at the portrait for a moment before turning away because his cheeks were dusted pink. I laughed and closed the sketchbook before noticing the twins crowding by the club door. 

   I raised an eyebrow and went to see what all the commotion was about.

   Halfway hiding behind the door was a girl in an Ouran uniform. she had long ginger hair and looked rather shy with the twins trying to seduce her. Then, Tamaki swooped in with his signature princely act.

   Suddenly, the girl blew up. She began yelling at Tamaki,

   "No! You phony! I can't believe that you are the prince figure of this club! The prince character doesn't go spreading his love around so readily!"

   I was a little annoyed at the way she insulted Tamaki, but brushed it off. Just who is this rando? 

   "How can you be so stupid! It's almost like you're a dim-witted narcissist! Incompetent! Mediocre! The pits!" Wow. I was liking this girl less and less. Then Tamaki began falling slow motion to the ground.

   Kyoya put his hand on his chin,

   "By any chance are you-" But he was interrupted by the girl having yet another outburst. Her eyes began welling up with tears and she ran up to Kyoya and wrapped her arms around his waist,

"Kyoya-sama! I've wanted to meet you." She cooed.  Haruhi raised her eyebrow,

   "If you don't mind me asking, who are you?" She asked. The girl smiled, her arm now wrapped around Kyoya's,

 "I'm Hoshakuji Renge, Kyoya-sama's fiance." She beamed. A blinding wave of jealousy and anger shot through me.   

   I grit my teeth together and clenched my fists so I wouldn't blow up, and as calmly as I could, I spoke,



   We were sitting on a pair of two couches facing each other. Renge sat on the one couch with a cup of tea, I sat beside Kyoya on the opposite couch, and the rest of the club stood behind Kyoya and I. The air was unbelievably tense.

   I sat with my legs crossed and my hands in my lap, my nails digging into my skin. My entire body was tense and I didn't take my narrowed eyes off Renge.  

   "So, you are Kyoya's fiance?" I asked Renge. Good thing she was too dense to read a room. She smiled and nodded,

   "Yes, it was love at first sight. The way you were admiring those flowers by yourself in the back courtyard even though no one was around..." 

   Wait what?

   "And the way you reached out to help that injured little kitty." She sighed dreamily and Haruhi spoke up as the rest of the host club asked who she was talking about,

   "Could you have the wrong person?" She asked. Renge shook her head,

   "Nope! You can't fool these eyes! He's the kind of person who is kind to everyone, yet does not seek to have anyone take notice of him. He loves solitude, but is actually lonesome. He's the perfect man. The one who looks like the star of the currently popular  dating simulation game, Uki-Doki Memorial, Ichijo Miyabi-Kun, that's you!" She exclaimed, pointing at Kyoya.  Up until this point, I had stayed completely silent, but now, I had to speak up,

   I began laughing. My entire body relaxed and I ran a hand through my hair.  At the sound of my voice, the room went silent. 

   Suddenly, I stood up and plopped beside Renge. I smirked and put my arm around her shoulders. The rest of the room watched me with various emotions, from fear to confusion, displayed on their faces,

   "It's Renge, right? Sweetheart, someone gave you the wrong directions to your lonely, kitty saving, perfect boy, because it is not him." I said, pointing to Kyoya. "That man right there is Kyoya Ootori, and Honey? I don't think you could handle the real deal. The person you're looking for is a work of fiction. This Ichijo guy is a series of ones and zeros." I explained, glad that this woman was just a delusional weeaboo. 

   To everyone's surprise, she waved me off with her hand and my smile grew,

   "Of course Ichijo is just a character, but this is Kyoya-sama and he's the one I was looking for. He's so kind and open about his feelings and desires-" I stopped listening when I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I took it out  and saw that I got a text from Aunt Mi saying she had just got home from her business trip.  I put the phone back in my pocket and stood up, interrupting Renge's rant,

   " Well, I should be off. It was very nice meeting you Renge, I hope you have lots of fun with our kind hearted Kyoya." I chuckled and patted Kyoya on the shoulder, "Good luck Yoyo, you're gonna need it. Bye boys. See you Haru!" With that I walked out of the club room laughing.


    Back at home, Aunt Mi greeted me with a kind smile and a warm hug,

   "Hi Aunt Mi! How was your trip? " I asked. She smiled,

   "Oh it was nice deary, but I want to hear about you." She replied. 

   See, the thing about Aunt Mi, she's like the sweet, yet really cool grandma that everyone wants. 

   "Well, what do you want to know?" I asked.

   "How's that host club thing of yours? Are they nice to you there?" She asked. A large smile grew on my face at the mention of the club,

   " I love the host club. Everyone there is so nice and they're like my second family. If I needed it, I have no doubts that they'd do everything they could to help. " Aunt Mi laughed,

   "Sounds like I should meet these people. What are their names, maybe I'll know their parents and we can invite them all over for dinner sometime." She replied, feeling proud of her idea.

 I pursed my  lips,

   " Well, the host club consists of some pretty big names.  There's Karou and Hikaru Hitachiin, Mitsukuni Haninozuka,  Takashi Morinozuka, Haruhi Fujioka, Tamaki Suoh, and last but not least, Kyoya Ootori." At the mention of Kyoya's name, I could've sworn Aunt Mi's eyes widened like she realised something terrible. I tilted my head,

   "Is there something wrong?" I asked. She put on her sweet grandmotherly smile,

   " No, of course not dearie! I just, don't recognise the name Fujioka is all." She reassured me. I was pretty sure she was lying, but I dropped it anyway,

   "Well, Haruhi is what, a lot of Ouran calls, 'a commoner'. She came on an academic scholarship." I explained.

   Aunt Mi clapped her hands together,

   " That explains it! Now, maybe we should just invite your friends over for dinner. It might get too stuffy with all the parents. Hmm. Yes! That sounds much better." She was getting excited now. I laughed,

   "Okay, but I'm warning you now: they're... a little much." I cautioned. Aunt Mi simply waved me of,

   "Nonsense dearie. They'll be fine. Now, please tell your friends that they should be here by six on Thursday." She said, effectively ending the subject, then turning to walk away. I shrugged,

   "Okay, just don't say I didn't warn you." I replied, taking out my phone and walking to my room. 

   Once inside, I sat on my bed and opened the group chat titled 'Host Club'


ANNA: Anyone here?


KYOYA: Yes, I am here.

ANNA: How'd it go with Miss Weeaboo?

TAMAKI: ...I think she's our manager now

ANNA: WHat, why?

KYOYA: Renge comes from a family that happens to be very important to the Ootori business, so please refrain from being rude to her. 

ANNA: ...Fine

KYOYA: Thank-you.

TAMAKI: Anyway, did you text us for a reason?


ANNA: OKay! Chill the fuck out

ANNA: I know what you meant, and the answer is yes.

ANNA: I came here to ask if everyone was free on thursday


ANNA: BEcause, Aunt Mi got home today and she wants to invite you all over for dinner at six on thursday


HIKARU: Oh, that's what you're talking about

HIKARU: Karou and I will be there


KYOYA: I don't believe I have plans at that time. 

KYOYA: I will be there.

HIKARU: Honey and Mori said they'll be there

ANNA: So that just leaves Haru

TAMAKI: She left the club early. Said something about having to study.

ANNA: Okay, I'll call her.

ANNA: Thanks guys!

ANNA: Bye!


   I closed the chatroom and pressed the call button for Haruhi's contact.  It rang once. Twice. Haruhi picked up after 3 rings,


   "Hi Haruhi!"

   "Oh hi Anna. Did you hear about Renge-chan?"

   "How she's apparently our new manager? Regrettably."

   "Do I detect a hint of jealousy, Anna?"

   "Oh you hush. What if the tables were turned and it was Tamaki instead?" 

   "I would be fine because Tamaki is nothing more than an annoying friend."

   "Really now? So you would be completely and utterly indifferent if that Renge came out of nowhere, started becoming all touchy-feely with Tamaki, and then claimed to be his fiance?"


 "Poor Tamaki, unfortunately for him, he wouldn't have the heart to turn down a poor, lovestricken admirer, so he'd probably go along with it. Day after day, seeing them together wouldn't drive you mad? Seeing her with her hands all over what should have been yours-"

   "OKAY! Okay. Fine. Fine. Maybe I'd be a little jealous."

   "Good! Now that we have that cleared up, let's get to the real reason I called."

   "You're terrible."

   "I love you too. Anyway,  Aunt Mi invited everyone in the host club to dinner on thursday at six o'clock. She says she wants to meet you guys."

   "Oh god, is she aware of what she just did to herself?"

   "Yeah I know. I tried warning her, but... no dice."

   "Well, sure. I'll be there." 

   "Thanks Haru! 

  "Don't mention it. Now I gotta go study if there's nothing else...?"

   "Nope, that's everything. Good luck Haru."

   " Thank You, bye."

   She hung up and I put down the phone. 


   The next day when I walked into the clubroom, Renge was standing there, looking at the portrait of the club that I had did. 

   I walked up to her and withot turning to look at me, she spoke,

   "Hmm. We should get a new one commissioned with everyone in it. We probably shouldn't get it from the same place though." She said. I raised an eyebrow, insulted,

   "Why not?" I asked

   "Eh. It's pretty blah. Not even that good, you know? You'd think that sorry excuse for a self entitled Prince would care enough to spend a little money on decorations for the club. Do you know where they got it from?" She turned to me with a smile on her face.
   I almost slapped her right then and there. Not only did she bash my art, but she also knowingly insulted Tamaki. However,  I thought back to how Kyoya asked me to be nice and held my tongue,

   "No, I'm afraid I don't.  You should ask someone else. Don't forget to explain why you want to know. " I smiled back bitterly and walked away.

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