Crazy Fantasies

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   That morning I woke up and thought, I'm gonna do something productive today!

    That didn't last long. I ended up going to a market thing they had that sold all sorts of stuff from other places. I wanted to see what they had from America or Russia. I was really starting to miss my old homes.... it's true I swear.....what? I mean it!.....Alright fine. I wanted to see if they had some Honey Butter Chips from Korea.  (*cough cough* Honey Budda Chips *cough cough*)

   I found myself walking through the large building sporting a pink skater dress pared with white flats. I walked by one particular bench and had to do a double take. Wait. Was that...?

   A boy with raven hair and glasses was sitting asleep on the bench. Kyoya. I covered my mouth to keep from giggling before getting a mischievous idea.

   I walked up to him and leaned in, giving him a kiss on the cheek,

    "Kyoya, dear, you got to wake up or you'll be late for work." I said softly. He stirred,

   "Give me five more minutes sweetheart." He mumbled groggily. I started giggling. So hard in fact, I had to sit down.

   In suprise, and in realisation as to what he just said, Kyoya's eyes flew open. His cheeks slowly started turning pink as he assessed the situation. I stopped giggling and looked up at him with a smile on my face,

   "Morning sleepy head. How was your brief fantasy where we're married?" I furrowed my eyebrows,  "No, actually, better question. What were you doing sleeping on a bench in the middle of a crowd of people?" I asked. He groaned and rubbed his eyes,

   "Tamaki dragged me here yelling about understanding Haruhi. He must've left me here." He replied.

   I began giggling at his sour expression as he stood up an started patting his pockets. He paused and I swear I heard him swear under his breath,

   "I'm gonna kill him." He growled. I tilted my head to the side,

   "What's wrong?" I asked, standing up. He turned to face me with a murderous look on his face,

   "Tamaki left my phone and wallet at home." He replied before staring off into space, trying to think of a solution.

   A moment later, I heard his stomach growl and started giggling again. I hooked my arm around his and started dragging him along,

   "Come on. Food first. We'll deal with Tamaki later." I informed him. He was surprised, but followed me anyway.

    I dragged him into the nearest fast food restaurant.

   "What an interesting place to get food." He remarked as he pushed his glasses further up his nose. I smiled and placed my fingertip on his lips,

   "Shhh. You can't diss it before you try it. It's yummy. Use your tongue to eat this, not your brain. You overthink things too much."

   He raised an eyebrow, but remained silent.

   We got to the front of the line and the lady there greeted us with a warm smile and a "welcome". Or should I say, greeted Kyoya. She was staring directly over my head. I cleared my throat,

   "Yes. Hi. Um, can we get two number twos and an order of extra fries." I looked at Kyoya, "What do you want to drink?" I asked.

   "Water will do." I smiled and turned back to the woman,

   "Could we also get a water and a milkshake please."  The woman forced a smile and wrote something down before looking at Kyoya again,

   "Alright. Would you like to try our new desert today?" She asked.

   "No. I don't eat sweets." He replied icily. Yet, for some reason,  she decided to continue,

   "If you buy one today, you get a-" Kyoya cut her off,

   "I said no." He glared at her. He must have put alot of force into the glare because she retreated into what I could only describe as an emo corner. Tamaki is that you?

   We sat down with our food. I had to surpress a laugh,

   "You didn't have to be so mean. Though,  I'm not saying I wasn't close to doing the same thing, but still. She was just doing her job."  And flirting with you.

   "Her job is not to pester the costumers. "  He replied. I smiled at his answer and passed him his food.

    As he was opening his burger, I decided to ask him a question,

   "Kyoya. Back there, you said you didn't eat sweet things." I bit my lip and he raised an eyebrow, "Well, I'm pretty sweet. Does that mean, if I asked, you wouldn't eat me?" I looked at him with an innocent expression.

   I watched as he slowly put down his burger and used his hands to cover his face, all the while his face was rapidly turning red.

   "Your ears are red." I commented as I took a picture with my phone. He peeked at me through his fingers,

   "Delete that." He commanded. I smirked,

   "No way. I'm keeping this for blackmail." He narrowed his eyes,

   "Then I'll find something worse on you." He promised.  I laughed,

   "Oh yeah? What are you gonna find? My mothers maden name?" I scoffed. He raised an eyebrow,

   "Using my resources, I can find anything on you or your family." He replied. I smirked again,

   "Is that so? Find out what brand of panties I'm wearing." I leaned back and popped a frence fry into my mouth as he looked away and turned pink again,

   "You need to stop." He mumbled. A big mischievous grin spread across my face,

   "Oh yeah? Make me, Kyoya. Shut. Me. Up." I challenged. He turned and looked at me head on. He looked like he wanted to say something, but decided against it after a moment and cleared his throat,

   "Ahem. So, the selling point of these is you can eat it with your hands." He said, picking up the burger, "and it can be eaten quickly." I chuckled and began eating my own burger while he rambled on about the economy. 

   When he went quiet, a thought occured to me,

   "You know, I don't really know how you and Tamaki are friends. You don't really seem compatible... actually, I'm sorry. That was really rude." Suprisingly, Kyoya chuckled,

   "No, it's okay. You're right. Normally, our personalities would clash, but we both get something out of  it. It's a mutual agreement. " He replied. I raised an eyebrow,

   "That's not how friendship is supposed to work. Wait, you're only friends with Tamaki because you get something out of it?" I asked, horrified. He shrugged,

   "Yes. That's how I do things in general. I get something I consider useful out of everything it do or I don't do it at all." I gasped,

   "That's a terrible way to live! You're telling me that you never do anything out of the goodness of your heart?"  Before he could respond, a group of girls came up beside us,

    "Excuse me? Can we use these chairs please?" A shill voice asked. Kyoya waved them off,

   "Sure." A chorus of giggles erupted from the group as they took the extra chairs at our table. I scoffed,

   "Okay, what about that? What could have giving those girls our chairs given you?" I asked. He shrugged,

   "I recognise one of those girls from Ouran. If she had gone and told her friends that a member of the host club was rude, we would lose business." He seemed to be having fun. I scrunched up my face before getting another idea,

   "Okay, fine. But what about back at the beach? What did jumping my bones make you gain, hmm? You didn't just want to know what I felt like under your body?" I smirked, half expecting him to cover his face, but he didn't,  he kept his eye contact while his cheeks burned a little pink. He just stared at me for a moment before clearing his throat and responding,

   " I was trying to teach you a lesson so you wouldn't make anymore rash decisions that ended with me paying compensation fee." He reasoned. My smirk only grew,

   "Is that so? Well, maybe I should teach you a lesson of my own sometime." I winked. He stared at me for a moment and for a spit second, I swear he looked at my lips, before rapidly looking away and turning pink. I gasped,

   "You imagined it!" I exclaimed.  His eyes darted up and met mine,

   "No, no I didn't." He insisted. I bit my lip,

  "It's nothing to be ashamed of Kyoya. If you really want me to teach you a lesson, all you have to do is ask. I'm always willing to teach an aspiring artist." I laughed, breaking the mood.

   Once again, before he was able to respond,  a group of girls interrupted us,

   "Oh my gosh, it's Kyoya!" Screamed one. I growled,

   "Shit. Okay, I'll distract them and you get to the bench we started at. I'll meet you there in 5 minutes." With that, I ran around and snuck into the group of fangirls.

   Thankfully, I always keep my pockets filled with glitter. I dug the glitter out of my pockets and threw it, creating a distraction. Then I yelled,

   "Look, it's him! He went that way!" I said, pointing in the opposite direction.  Sure enough, the girls questioned nothing and blindly followed my direction. I led them to a floor below us and claimed I saw him hide behind a display shelf. Then, in the commotion, I slipped out of the group and met Kyoya back at the bench with 30 seconds to spare.

   I doubled over, trying to catch my breath and Kyoya sat me down,

   "Thanks. I don't know what you did, but it worked. So thank you." I smiled,

   "Don't worry about it. Now, c'mon. Let's go shopping. I have some chips to buy."

~~~~~~~~~~~~Jahee is Baehee~~~~~~~~~~~~

   We strolled through the snack food department looking for my chips when Kyoya noticed a man trying to scam a woman on a bowl. Then he pulled some, what I assume to be magic, because he had that man dragged out by two security guards in less than a minute. I smiled,

   "See? You did that out of the goodness out of your own heart." I told him. He smirked,

   "Actually I didn't. That woman is the wife of the head of a company that the Ootori's have been partnered with for years." He replied. As if on cue, the woman approached us,

   "Thank you, Kyoya is it? I'll be sure to tell my husband what you did for me today. We'll be sure to spend some time in one of your gorgeous rehabilitation centers." Then she noticed me, " Oh, what a beautiful girlfriend you have here. I advise you to hang on to this one." I couldn't help but break out into a smile,

   "Oh thank you, ma'am.  You happen to be very beautiful yourself,  but Kyoya and I, we're not dating." I replied. She seemed to give a knowing smile,

   "Correction. Not dating yet. I can see in his eyes when he looks at you, that he really cares about you." She turned to Kyoya,  "Take an old woman's advice, tell her sooner rather than later or someone else may come along and sweep her off her feet." He cleared his throat,

   "Thank you, but-" he began, but she cut him off,

   "Nope. Not another word. Ta ta for now dearies." With that she left.

   Kyoya turned to me,

   "Not a word." I laughed,

   "Don't worry, babe. You can take as much time as you want. No one's gonna sweep me off my feet anytime soon." And in an instant of perfectly timed coincidence, I was swept off my feet.

   Someone had bumped into me and the force made us both land on the ground,

   "Well that was well timed." I mumbled as Kyoya pulled me up,

   "Are you okay?" He asked, his voice laced with concern. I smiled,

   "I'm fine." Relived, he looked at the guy who had bumped into me,

   "Watch where you're going." He growled. Aww he's protective.

   "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry.  Is she okay?" He replied. I paused before turning around and facing the guy,


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