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A part of Venus was excited to see the mysterious woman again. Another, much larger part of her wished she had never allowed her to take the bag of groceries from her hands.

Venus had gone out to buy groceries after not leaving her apartment since the day she carried out the assassination on the Governor's son. Out of nowhere, the mysterious woman had appeared.

The woman was now walking next to her. Both of them were walking in silence, they had been for the last few minutes.

The New York air was chilly, it penetrated the thin layer of clothing that Venus was wearing and she silently cursed at herself for not wearing something thicker. She hated the weather when it got cold.

"So, do you always run off from nice women trying to buy you a drink?"

It was the woman that had spoken. She had been the one to break the silence that had fallen between them, Venus wasn't surprised.

Venus felt the back of her neck heat up as it usually did whenever she was embarrassed. When she ran away from the woman at the bar, she had done so not expecting to run into her on the street days later. Now things were awkward.

In her usual manner, Venus kept her mouth clamped shut. She knew the woman beside her probably thought she was just ignoring her like she always did. The truth was, Venus didn't really know how to answer the question.

What was she meant to say? I was beginning to enjoy your company, so I ran off because I couldn't have that?

The only thing that bothered Venus more than that was the fact that even after running off, she had thought about the mysterious woman with the dark aura every day since then. Venus didn't like that. She didn't like that one bit.

"So, do you always stalk women that reject you?" Venus blurted out before she realized it.

There was a laugh from the woman next to her which caused Venus to turn and look at her. She felt her breath get caught in her throat when she looked up into the woman's face, watching the way her short hair fell into her eyes and her strong bone structure. She looked like a Goddess. Venus scowled the moment the thought passed through her mind, she turned her head around, keeping her eyes glued on the pathway in front of her.

"You know, that would have been a good comeback if only you hadn't taken five minutes to come up with it." The woman replied, amusement was apparent in her voice.

Venus felt embarrassment course through her once again which only made the frown on her face deepen. The more time that passed, the more she wished that she hadn't allowed the woman to help her with her groceries. She should have just grabbed it from her and continued walking. She also shouldn't have answered the woman's cheeky questions.

Venus made up the decision that she wasn't going to say anything to the woman, she'd just ignore her for the time being.

That plan quickly came to an end once Venus realized that they were getting close to her apartment.

"I can handle it from here." Venus said, stretching out her hand to the woman to collect her bag of groceries.

The woman hummed in reply and glanced down at Venus' injured leg. Instead of handing the bag to her, she just kept on walking.

Venus' arms fell to her sides, and she quickened her pace in mild bewilderment as she rushed to catch up with the woman who had now stopped, probably because she didn't know where she was going.

Venus didn't say anything to the woman. They just resumed walking in silence, once again.

They finally arrived at the apartment building where Venus lived, once again Venus stretched out her hands to take the grocery bag from the taller woman.

"I'd help you take it up." The woman replied seeing Venus' outstretched arms, much to her annoyance.

Why wouldn't she just leave the bag with Venus here? They had arrived at her apartment building, why did she want to take it up?

There was a part of Venus that wanted to argue. That wanted to insist to the woman to just hand her groceries over and be on her way. There was also a part of Venus that was enjoying the woman's company. Even though they walked mostly in silence besides from the occasional snarky remarks which they threw between themselves, this was new for Venus.

The latter part of her won and she found herself opening up the building door, motioning for the woman to enter.

Venus felt like she was slowly losing it. Here she was, about to let an absolute stranger enter into her home. Venus wasn't as bothered as much about what could happen, she was an Assassin, she could handle herself. It was more so the fact that Venus was letting someone into her home in the first place, she never let people into her home.

Even the drunken one-night stands that Venus occasionally had, she would always insist on going back to other women's houses rather than hers. She genuinely didn't fuck with the idea of having anyone in her home besides herself.

But now, here Venus was, unlocking the door to said home, about to allow a strange woman into it.

Venus now pushed the door to her apartment open and watched as the woman walked into it, instantly, Venus felt herself grow nervous. The feeling of having someone in her apartment was one that was very unusual for her.

Venus watched as the woman glanced around and she felt the anxiety rushing through her all over again. Her apartment was quite messy. It could be worse, but it also could be better. A lot better. Venus couldn't even remember the last time she had cleaned. She found herself worrying that the woman would think her to be a slob, then this worry morphed into Venus asking herself why she even cared what this woman thought of her.

"Nice place."

She was just being courteous, Venus knew it.

As usual, Venus didn't say anything in reply, she just nodded her head, acknowledging what the woman had said to her.

Venus now stepped forward, reaching for the bag of groceries. It was time for the woman to leave; she had been standing in Venus' apartment for a whole minute now. That was too much for Venus to handle.

Expertly, the woman managed to dodge around Venus, heading straight for her kitchen.

Venus' eyes widened in shock as she stared after her. This woman, whoever she was, really was not letting up.

Venus followed behind the woman, watching her curiously. They were now standing in the kitchen. Rather than drop the bag on the counter and leave like Venus expected her to, the woman was still standing there unmoving.

"I'd help you put away your groceries."

Venus' eyes must have been the size of saucers now. Not many things usually surprised her, but this strange woman definitely was an exception. Venus had been so shocked that she hadn't even realized when the woman started to open up the grocery bag.

"No." Venus exclaimed reaching forward on her bad leg too quickly.

Pain shot through her and she felt herself tumble forward. Immediately, there were strong arms around her, supporting her, preventing her from going head first into the ground.

"You okay?" The woman asked, she was so close the Venus could feel her warm breath against her face.

She was holding Venus in her arms and it didn't go unnoticed to Venus just how toned her arms felt, or the heat radiating from her body which engulfed hers.

"I'm fine." Venus murmured, pushing the woman rather roughly away from her.

She caught the look that crossed over the woman's face and she felt her heart clutch but ignored the feeling as she headed over to the grocery bag still resting on the counter.

"It's okay, I can help you with that." The woman said, reaching for the bag before Venus did.

Venus was stuck to watch in dismay at the look of astonishment that had crossed over the woman's features. More so, she watched her as she reached into the bag, retrieving bottles upon bottles of alcohol. That was ninety percent of the groceries that Venus had bought, the other ten percent were some breakfast protein bars.

The woman looked at Venus for a while before she suddenly turned around looking through Venus' cabinets in her kitchen. This action shocked Venus so much that she wasn't able to respond to this, she was left dumbfounded.

"There's hardly any food in here." The taller woman stated, turning back to look at Venus.

Venus knew this already. She didn't eat much. She hated cooking so she would either hardly eat or eat out, this was usually when she had a job and needed the energy.

However, one thing was for sure. Venus was definitely not going to have this strange woman all up in her business. At that moment, it was as if Venus' senses had come back, whatever spell she had been under cleared from my mind.

"Thank you for your help, but I will be fine." Venus now said, glaring at the intrusive woman before her. She didn't even bother with a fake smile.

The woman hesitated, it seemed as if she wanted to say something. Instead, she nodded her head much to Venus' relief.

Venus watched as she silently made her way out of the apartment.

"Have a good night, Venus."

Venus didn't reply.

There was the sound of the door shutting, the woman was gone.

It was only then that Venus realized she still didn't know her name.

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