Lets be friends

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K.O. is running around the parking lot while we are sweeping up of what's left of Darrell's body

"W-Wowee! I couldn't believe-- And did you see-- And, like, it was-- It was so-- Aah. When I'm a hero, I'm gonna be just like Mr. Gar!"
Grunting, fake punching

Enid laughs at him
"There's a lot more to being a hero than just fancy moves, kid. It takes hard work. This is us training under Mr. Gar to be great heroes."

"Whoa! So you guys are training by just, like, cleaning up garbage? Well, well, I could do that. I must do that."

[The title card appears.]

Rads trying to fit one last robot part into the garbage can
"Uh, we don't just clean up garbage, kid. We also fight evil robots. sometimes."
Slams the last robot piece inside the garbage can, grunting

I raise a hand to geet his attention
"Not me, I'm for other reasons"

"Ooh, sometimes. But wait, that means more than one times. How can there even be so many robots?!"

"Take a knee, K.O."
Enid says kneeling on one knee

KO is fully kneeling

"I said knee, not knees."

"Oh, is this better?"
KO kneels on one knee

"Yes, now look. When a dumb nerd and a dumb factory love each other very much, they waste a lot of time and money making dumb robots to attack the plaza."

"Dumb nerd? Dumb nerd?! What dumb nerd!"

Rad laughs and says the name wrong
"Lord Buttman."

"Of course, the Buttman."

"It's Lord Boxman. And are you seriously trying to tell me that you didn't notice that giant evil factory across the street?"


Me, Rad, and Enid both laugh

Lord Buttmans POV

Lord Boxman looks out the window

Darrell crashes through the window
"Oh, hey, dad. I'm Back!"


Darrell looks down sadly
"And... I failed you."

"No, you failed me! Come, Darrell, do you know why I send you robots over to destroy Lakewood Plaza? To eliminate friendship! Lakewood Plaza is crawling with friendship!

Darrell gets distracted
"Hey, look! More me's!"

Silence! You see Darrell--"

Ernesto 2199 shows up
"If I could just have a sliver of your time, Lord Boxman. A client, uh, just called."

"Ernesto 2199, can you not see that I'm trying to focus on getting upset about some kids across the street having fun?!"
he blows up Ernesto

Ernestos 2403 and 2055 are laughing

I hate people enjoying each other.

Ernesto 2403 and Ernesto 2055 look at eachother and back at Lord Boxman

Lord Boxman complaons
"When people enjoy each other, they don't buy evil fighting robots. This is a graph of our sales."

He graph displays a slow decline in sales

Darrell smiles
"Ooh, math!"

"Now watch what happens when we introduce friendship to the equation." he presses a button, the graph plummets, displaying little to no sales
"See? Friendship, lowers, our, graphs! Besides, it's just plain disgusting."
then he opens a hatch to a furnace

Darrell smiles again
"Hey, cool, fire! Is this supposed to teach me like, how friendship makes you feel?"

he throws Darrell's head in, closes the hatch
"It's supposed to teach you to never fail me again!"

Darrell says sadly, while melting
"I deserve this."

A giant claw drops another Darrell before Lord Boxman.

"Yeah, I deserved that. But I won't fail you next time boss!" Darrel salutes


Lord Boxman walks over to his throne peering out the window
"Ooh, those rotten kids! Still alive.Ooh, I just- "
he starts babbling, whimpering, panting

A "ding" sound comes from a conveyor belt.

"Never send a 1.0 robot to do a 2.0's job, Dad."
Shannon flips in the air, throwing razor blades, and showing off.

"Ah, Shannon. My spoiled teenage daughter. Do you have a plan?"

"Of course."
she chuckles

"Then go succeed where your brother Darrell failed, and ruin those rotten kids!"

"Trust me, they won't even know what hit them."
she puts on lipstick very incorrectly

Readers POV

"So, can I hang out with you guys and be friends? Then I could work hard to become a great hero, too."

I look over my shoulder while stacking magic cans on a shelf
"KO, you can't just hang out here."

"But you guys do."

Rad places some sausages on a shelf
"That's 'cause it's our job."

"Oh..Then can I have a job, too?"

"Not just anyone can work here. You gotta have mad skills, like this."

Rad shoots a levitation beam out of his finger towards some objects stacked on a shelf and re-stacks them on a higher shelf. Colewort is caught while trying to grab one of the objects and is sent through the roof

Rad then blows on his finger "See?"

KO was mesmerized
"That was beautiful."

Rad blushes and clears his throat
"Yeah. Yeah, it was. I can show you some other cool moves if you --"

ERad. Magazines. Restock them."
Enid says picking her nose.]

KO jumps infront of the counter
"Hi Enid. I would like a job here, please."

"KO you do not wanna spend your days looking at all this."

"Yeah, I do. I can help. I can do anything."

Enid smirks
"Oh, anything, huh? How about this?"

Enid shoots a fireball out of her foot. It ricochets all over the store until it hits a pair of sunglasses. The sunglasses then fly off the shelf and land over Enid's eyes

KO looks dumbfounded
"Um... I can do this other cool thing. Fireball!"

KO tries shooting a fireball from his fist but it is not working. Enid looks amused. Colewort finally falls through the roof and breaks some pickle jars.

"Oh, man"

I went to help the guy up and Enid restocked the stuff he knocked over

"I fell."

"I can see that, Colewort."

"I see the light."
he groans

"y/n, Enid, let me help."

"Just a second KO I'm kind of --"
Enid drops the pickle jars she has picked up on Colewort

"Ow! Ow!"

Enid groans

KO just stands there not knowing what to do
"Uh, um..."

Potato walks by and slips on the mess.

Enid calls to Rad
"Rad, mop! Now!"

KO tries to help
"Wait, I can get it."

"Move it or lose it, kid."
Rad begins mopping

Neil appears holding a loaf of bread

"Hey, excuse me."

Rad calls out to Neil
"I'll be with you in just a second."

"But it's an emergency! I don't want this bread!"

I run behind the counter
"I got this"

"I'll do it!"
KO grabs the mop Rad is holding

Rad starts tugging on the mop with K.O.
"This isn't a game."

K.O. lets go of the mop which knocks Rad into Enid

They both fall into the pickle mess on the floor

"Aw, gross, man!"
Enid exclaims

"Kid, you need to quit getting in our way."
Rad sneers at him

K.O. watches Rad and Enid while they clean themselves

Colewort: Whoa!

Enid: Can you all just stop?

K.O. leaves the store with a sad expression on his face and I follow him. Shannon watches K.O. leave the store me and K.O. laying on the grass outside the store.

KO thinks loudly
Man, Rad and Enid are on another level. I wanna work with them so bad, but I can't even do a cool power move. I can't give up. There must be some way I could convince them to give me another chance. Maybe if I brought them a giant cake, or if I let them hold my rarest Pow cards. Maybe if I wore a baseball cap backwards

He pictures these scenarios in the clouds.

"Oh KO, it wasn'tyour fault.."

Shannon appears before him with a poor disguise.

"Excuse me. I couldn't help but notice your unemployment. You know these days if you wanna work at a place like Gar's, you gotta do something really special."

KO looks disappointed
"A résumé."

"No, no, no, no. I'm talking something like... infiltrating Lord Boxman's lair and maybe, like, defeating him all by yourself."

I shake my head no
"As if I'm gonna let him- "

KO interrupts me
"That's a good idea, so good that Rad and Enid will have to hire me and be my friends. Thanks for the help, ominous stranger! You're the best!"

He runs to Lord Boxmans Lair and I run to stop him

"Wait up KO!!"

"Ch'yeah, obviously."
she laughs evilly

3rd persons pov

Enid looks around for the two
"KO.. y/n?"

Rad calls out
"Hey guys where'd you go. Hey, what's that Shannon doing here?"

Readers POV

"This is it, nothing will get in my way!"

We then run into Boxmore where he meets more Darrells

"Wow. All right, a sneaking mission. Sneak, sneak, sneak. Sneak, sneak, sneak, sneak, sneak, sneak."

I look at him and whisper
"Man you suck at being sneaky"

We run through an open door past another Darrell

The Darrell greets us

"Ha ha, perfect stealth."

I facepalm at his naiveness

Ernesto 2903 is in sight talking
"So, anyway, I told her--"

K.O. walks by with a cardboard box on his head

"Beep. Boop, boop, morp, boop, blorp."

Ernesto 2903 then asks
"Should we be offended by that?"


We then walks into an empty area

"Yep, if getting in was this simple, beating the Boxman fella should be easy as a slice of sweet potato pie."
he laughs

We then gets trapped by some metal arm restraints and gets pushed up by a metal platform. Lord Boxman then comes out from the shadows on his floating desk

"Sweet potato pie, was it?"
He asks

"Who are you?"
KO questions

"Is it not obvious?"

"Shoot what was it again? Buttman?"

I laugh
"That's what I call him"

Boxman then appears above K.O.

"It's Lord Boxman! I've had my eye on you two, you know. I see you got yourself a little friendship going with those two goons at Gar's."

KO tilts his head "Friendship?"

"Yes, it's disgusting and I hate it, and I want it destroyed!"

"Y-You really think they wanna be my friend?"

"Not anymore. Do these look like the faces of friendship?"

Then appears a hologram from a Boxmore security camera showing Rad and Enid wait at the same stoplight with Rad holding Shannon by her leg.

"They found out you came here, KO and they're clearly seething with rage at having to waste their time rescuing a nuisance like you."

"Don't listen to him KO

"They weren't supposed to come get me. I was going to beat you and prove my worth."

[The screen disappears]

"All you did was fall into my trap"


"Yes. And after this foolish stunt, they're gonna beat you up."


"And then they'll never want to play with you ever again!"


"Shut up Boxman!!"

Lord Boxman looks at the security cameras
"Prince Peach Fuzz and The Sarcasm Queen are headed right this way. Getting scared, are we?"

KO sweats nervously
"Wha-- What?"

"Why, you see what they do to people who get in their way"

The screen shows Rad and Enid destroy a Jethro.

"And seeing as I'd hate to get in their way, I'll just put you between us."

Lord Boxman flips some switches and K.O. is released from his restraints. Lord Boxman then retreats a distance on his flotaing desk

Lord Boxman shouts

Some closed blinds appear in front of Lord Boxman and he peaks through them

Lord Boxman says quietly "Now to watch from the shadows like a total creep"

KO says sadly
"I guess Lord Boxman was right. Rad and Enid will never want to be my friends after this"

I look at him
"KO.. of course they still want to be your friend, our friend, we love you KO"

Rad and Enid appear in the room. Rad throws Shannon and she lands in front of KO

KO backs away scared
"Aah! I promise I won't get in your way again."

Rad runs towards K.O. and K.O. flinches. Rad then dives at K.O. and grabs him.

KO grunts

Lord Boxman cheers
"Yes, crush him, you oaf."

Rad holds K.O. up.

Rad laughs happily

"Rad, you're not mad at me?"

Enid snorts alittle
"Mad at you? We came here to save you."

KO says sadly
"But why would you want to save a nuisance like me?"

"Come on, K.O. You're not a nuisance. We like having you around!"
Enid says tossing him in the air

Lord Boxman was disspointed

"But aren't you guys upset that I --"

"Broke into Buttman's lair all by yourself? Yeah, that was pretty stupid, but it also took serious guts!"
Rad playfully pats KO's head

"No, no, no!"
Lord Boxman destroys the blinds he was hiding behind

"And it was super brave!"
Enid and KO high five

Lord Boxman is hit in the face by an invisible force

I glare at him sticking my tongue out childishly

"You got our respect!"
Rad and KO fistbump

[Lord Boxman is hit by the invisible force again.]

Lord Boxman: Oh!

"And our admiration!"
Rad and Enid give KO a noogie

Lord Boxman is about to get blown away

"But most of all,"
I began tired of being ignored

"You have our friendship!" Rad and Enid hold me and KO up

The invisible force blows everything off of Lord Boxman's floating desk including Lord Boxman himself

Lord Boxman is stammering screaming "That's impossible. Seems I've only made their friendship stronger. I'll have to destroy these kids later"
Presses a button on the remote he is holding

A Boxmore box appears underneath me KO Rad and Enid and closes around them. The box then travels through a wormhole which then opens above Lakewood Plaza Turbo. The box falls out of the wormhole onto the ground outside Gar's. People see the box and start screaming and running away

Brandon and Real Magic Skeleton run towards the box

"More interlopers?"
Mr Gar asks himswlf

The box opens and reveals Me KO Rad and Enid.

Real Magic Skeleton complains
"Hey, this isn't violent."

"Mr. Ga--"

Mr. Gar seems angry
"Why aren't you two at your posts?!"

"We were out rescuing Brushhead and princess here, sir!"
Enid picks up KO and gestures to y/n

"Oh, okay. Now send him home and get back to work!"

"Aww, can't we keep him?"
Enid shakes KO from side to side
"He's probably really good at cleaning toilets."

"He's pretty much plaza material. And we could use the extra help."pp]

Mr. Gar says bluntly

Me Rad and Enid ask sadly
At the same time

"We don't need anymore employees! You just need to quit slacking so much. And besides, a recommendation from the two of you means squat."

Mr. Gar walks away while saying that and ends up face to face with Carol, KO's mom. He gets startled

"What about a recommendation from me? Come on Gar, just give him the job."

Mr. Gar stammers
"Okay fine! Hmph."

"I appreciate it."

Carol puts her hand on Mr. Gar's arm and he tenses up. The wind then blows Mr. Gar away who is still tensed up

"Congratulations, sweetie! I'll meet you in the car."
She blows a kiss at KO

KO turns to us confused
"W-What just happened?"

"I think you just got hired."
I state

Enid pulls out a vest top and puts it on K.O. The vest top then fits itself around KO

"We ran out of crop tops."
Rad explains

KO excitedly checks out his new vest top.
"I did it!"

KO triumphantly pumps his fist in the air and unknowingly performs his power move which shoots off into the sky. All three of us watch amazed

"Whoa, KO I didn't know you could do that."
Rad asks

KO asks as if it didn't just happen
"Do what?"

I facepalm and giggle silently

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