》 Olaf 《

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On cold, winter nights
Warm red flames are set ablaze
The snowman greets "Hi"

Graceful as ever, they fall from the starry sky - Flakes of snow that emanate the beauty of white stars, dancing about gently as they are aided by the cool Winter breeze.

December is a month for celebration, when the Catholics acknowledge the birth of their Lord Jesus Christ and lift up their hearts to Him - Their gratitude and glory never lost in word or song alone.

The people in the neighborhood are always merry by the time the season of Christmas arrives, just like how the ever famous greeting of 'Merry Christmas' would imply.

Mounds of snow, shining balls of green and red, groups of caroling children, as well as the occasional Christmas Tree with the usual yellow star lit on top are what highlight the glorious season.

And yet even on a day as beautiful as this, Shouto was stuck having to deal with strenous training and pathetic family issues that could've been easily prevented had his father decided to be merciful for a change.

It was the night of Christmas Eve, and yet - like every other time the Christmas season rolled in - Enji felt that he couldn't just set aside his own selfish desires. Despite him being Shouto's father, it was as if he was just his old man's playtoy, a tool to defeat All Might.

Of course, it wasn't like there was anything Shouto could do about it anyways, nor was he ever given the right to voice out his opinions on the matter at hand - Opinions, those of which have been clouding his mind with depression at every thought of his excessively dominant father.

With a sigh of exasperation, Shouto stared emotionlessly at the package of (F/c) wrapper in his hands, a neatly tied golden ribbon holding it all together.

The package he carried with precious care was actually a gift for a certain special someone in his life - Someone who could actually see through the aloof, apathetic mask he's put up in front of all his classmates, or at least, other than the incredibly brilliant Midoriya who was smarter than he thought himself to be.

Heck, that boy could probably pick up on literally every single lie and falsity their classmates and teachers at Class 1-A speak of, all for the sake of his Hero Analysis notes.

But if Shouto were to be honest, it was because of this gift of Midoriya's that he actually feels normal. If Midoriya could see through his mask and converse with him as though he wasn't just some robot or machine created by his abusive excuse of a father, then that meant he was normal - An ordinary teenage boy just like every one of his male classmates, right?

And yet somehow ... this special someone of Shouto's made him feel more than just ... normal.

She made him feel welcome in this beautiful, cruel world; made him feel emotions that were akin to true happiness, made him feel important, made him feel loved. She made him feel this strange, giddy sensation inside, like how one would describe a 'warm, fuzzy feeling'.

Shouto glimpsed at the (F/c)-coloured package once more, his multi-chromatic orbs travelling over to a certain spot on the wrapper, where his name and another person's lay written.

To: (L/n)

From: Todoroki

"Shouto." a deep, authoritative voice spoke up from right behind him, that of which belonged to none other than his father.

The boy of familiar namesake whirled around slowly to face Enji, his emotionless expression meeting his father's angered one.

Great, what did he want from me this time? Shouto wanted to mutter underneath his breath, but he stopped himself before he could say a word in order to prevent his father's wrath.

"How are you still up, this late at night?" Enji queried of him in that usual stern manner that Shouto disliked. "Have I not informed you of the curfew?"

"Indeed you have informed me of it, Father," Shouto rationalized with no hesitation, even going so far as to dare to make eye contact with the evidently irritated man, "and if you would so kindly understand, just this once - I shall stay up past curfew hours."

"And what ever for?" Enji prompted through gritted teeth.

"For wrapping these presents I have gotten for my friends-"

At the mention of 'friends', Enji let out a hearty laugh, as though the word had amused him so much. Bewildered deep inside, Shouto gazed up at his father, the lack of emotion on his face asking a silent question.

"Goodness, Shouto, my son. Since when have you been so excellent at cracking jokes?" his father continued laughing away. "Saying the word 'friends' just like that as if you actually had one - Hilarious!"

"I do have friends, Father. How could you ever say otherwise?" Shouto glared up at Enji, completely and utterly disgusted by the way he simply shrugged off the idea of 'friends'.

By that point, Enji had realized that Shouto was nowhere near kidding around. And then, in turn, Shouto had realized his mistake of provoking his father's fury.

"Not a single one in the Todoroki family ever associates with these worthless beings you call friends," Enji ground out in total animosity, harshly grabbing the present in Shouto's possession and flinging it across the room without a care for its condition. "You do not and will never require the assistance and presence of people like them."

His father left the room soon after, but not before spitting out orders at Shouto to head to bed at once and saying the word 'friends' one last time in such a vile manner.

With no other choice but to comply, Shouto began to carry out his father's orders of slumbering early, albeit reluctantly.

The sight of the present meant for (F/n) that had been so carelessly discarded, however, made him freeze in his actions of heading to bed.

He clicked his tongue and knelt down before the slightly crumpled package, gingerly grabbing it with two hands and assessing its state. Though less presentable (A/N: Was that a pun I just made? O.o) than it had been before, Shouto deemed it to be just fine once he had finished flattening out some of the wrinkles and creases.

The possessor of the Half-Cold, Half-Hot Quirk looked over to the direction of the wall clock a good one metre above his bedside drawer.

3 hours left before Christmas, huh?

With a weary sigh, he clambered over the bed, (F/n)'s present in hand, and fell asleep. And then in no less than 8 hours, he awoke of his own volition, blinking and disoriented. What was he supposed to do again?

With a start, Shouto recalled the events of the previous day, and after making all necessary preparations, he set to working on the gift-wraps and home decor - Taking the opportunity while his father was evidently away at work.

He was aware of the possibility that he might ignite his father's rage rather than share the Christmas spirit with him, but he couldn't care any less about that. He had more pressing matters to attend to at the moment, and that included wondering how exactly was he going to approach (F/n) and give her the present.

Would she like it, or would she not?

Would she appreciate his presence, or would she not?

So many self-conscious thoughts settled at the back of Shouto's mind, and it was bothering him, for he wasn't used to having such thoughts. Since when did he care so much about the girl and their relationship with each other, anyway?

Every single person Shouto'd come across had acknowledged his intelligence at least once before, but if he really were intelligent, then why was it that he didn't know the answers to many of his questions? Was it because those questions involved emotions and not logic, feelings and not science?

Moreover, why did he always find himself dwelling on the beauty that was (L/n) (F/n)? For whatever reason, every time his thoughts stumbled upon his classmates, he'd end up thinking of her first before anyone else - Her captivating (E/c) gems, her (H/c) silken curls, her delicate features ... It was like the mere thought of her was a fantasy that separated him from reality.

With a shake of the head, Shouto dismissed all unnecessary thoughts from his mind and resumed with the gift-wrapping.

2 days agone - Shouto had randomly decided to check Class 1-A's group chat, and he found that Yaoyorozu had sent out a class-wide invitation, stating that a Christmas Party would be held at her mansion and that she could invite anyone she wished to.

Most of their classmates had already messaged their willingness to be a part of aforesaid party, and it turned out that the only people who have yet to respond to the invitation happened to be both Shouto and (F/n). In an evidently sly fashion, he'd only agreed to come the moment she said she would, too.

Midoriya - amongst a few others - had appeared to have taken that to notice. He had sent a direct message to Shouto asking if (F/n)'s joining was the reason why he decided to join as well, to which Shouto hesitantly affirmed. Lucky was he that it was only Midoriya and not someone else.

9:45 am, the clock read. Shouto took an overall, fleeting glance at all the presents he had wrapped for all his classmates - his friends - and then he set to fixing his own self before bidding farewell to those present in his residence and making his way over to Yaoyorozu's.

He arrived just in time for lunch.

"Todoroki-kun!" Midoriya called out in glee at the sight of him. "I can't believe you actually made it!"

(F/n) didn't seem to be here yet...

"Well, I figured since we're celebrating Christmas, and this would be the last time we'd ever be able to see each other this year, I'd find time to go." Shouto responded with a smile, surprised to see the majority of the class delighted by his presence.

For what felt like forever, which was actually only a good 4 hours, together they all partied and celebrated and exchanged gifts and greeted each other a 'Merry Christmas'.

Although Shouto had come to the party to bond with his friends and relive the happiness he almost never got a chance to truly feel, he couldn't help but end up missing the one person who wasn't even here yet.

The party was almost over, and yet (F/n) still hadn't made her presence known. When was she going to arrive? How was Shouto ever going to give the present at this point in time?

"I suppose this is when we part ways," Yaoyorozu pressed her lips in a thin line, like she was trying to surpress her emotions, but the tint of gloom hidden underneath the layers of her onyx orbs gave it all away.

"Yeah, but we sure had fun, Momo-chan!" Ashido exclaimed, a sad smile claiming her features.

"Arigatou, Momo-chan!" Kaminari's voice transformed their frowns into thankful grins. "Merry Christmas to everyone!"

Enthusiastic greetings resonated throughout the massive dining room as everyone wished each other a Merry Christmas - Ashido's comments on Kaminari not having the right to call Yaoyorozu 'Momo-chan' faintly ringing in the background. Joy reigned the whole atmosphere, and Shouto couldn't resist the tiny grin that made its way onto his face. Not even the ever-aggressive Katsuki Bakugo was spared from the beatitude.

"Minna~!" someone had yelled from across the room, over by the entrance door. The voice belonged to a very particular female, one who Shouto could and would never forget.

Collective gasps rung out as the female half of the class ran to tackle a giggling (F/n), who repeatedly apologized for arriving right when the party was about to end.

"My parents had changed their minds of allowing me to go because they were thinking that the party would last a whole day and I wouldn't have time for them, anymore," (F/n) began to explain, "and since it was only earlier when they decided to forbid me from going, I was unable to inform you guys about it. Thankfully, my parents gave me a chance to at least spare a visit."

"Sugoi!" Uraraka beamed, and everyone cheered once more, while Shouto was still uncertain of what to feel.

Finally, after an additional 30 minutes of partying, one by one they began to leave. Before (F/n) could make a move to do so, however, Shouto had gently grabbed her by the wrist.

"Shouto-kun?" (F/n) looked up at him in puzzlement. "Is there something wrong?"

Wordlessly, Shouto handed over his present, and the girl's (E/c) eyes lit up in pleasant surprise.

"Woah, you've got this for me?" she chuckled appreciatively. "Arigatou, Shouto-kun..."

Gingerly, (F/n) peeled off the package wrapper, as if she was afraid of damaging the gift contained inside, and then she let out a soft, joyful scream.

"It's adorable! I love it!" (F/n) happily announced as she took in the appearance of the book inside before she proceeded in checking out his final gift for her - a diamond piece of jewelry. Gleaming under the bright lights, the exquisite-looking necklace was adorned with bitsy snowflakes, and at the very center hung a miniature Olaf embedment. It was an accessory Shouto had purposely gotten just for (F/n) because he believed she'd like it.

And like it she did.

Without any warning, (F/n) had set the Olaf necklace aside and lifted both her hands up to wrap them around Shouto's shoulders in the form of an embrace, effectively startling him.

He'd stiffened up unwillingly and felt all the colour drain from his face - All except for the pinkish shade that coloured his cheeks. His heart started racing a million miles per hour, and he was left there standing with no clue on how to react.

(F/n) released herself and took a step back, the gratified expression remaining on her face as she smiled brightly at Shouto. She then proceeded to rummage through her (F/c)-coloured sling bag, before pulling out an equally-presentable (A/N: Another pun xD) package wrapped in a brilliant red and handing it over to him.

"Merry Christmas, Shouto-kun, and regards to your family as well!"

She happily trotted over to the door that led to the outside world, and then all of a sudden, fell frozen in her tracks. She spun around to face Yaoyorozu, thanked her, and caught one last glimpse of a smiling Shouto.

He left for home soon afterwards - discovering midway that (F/n)'s present for him was actually a little Olaf plushie - though he certainly did not expect to see his father standing right outside by their front porch.

"Father?" Shouto called out ever so softly towards the seemingly distracted Enji.

"Ah, Shouto, my son..."

"Is everything alright, Father? You seem rather, ah, unstrung."

And then in the very same way that (F/n) had grabbed ahold of Shouto to hug him, Enji had pulled him close. His breath hitched in his throat as he struggled to come up with the proper words to say, but he found himself completely silent, lost in the shock.

What was even more unexpected than the sudden hug were the sudden words that slipped out of his father's mouth.

"Merry Christmas, Shouto. I love you."


A/N: I feel like I made Enji a bit too much of a jerk while at the same time a bit too sappy in this oneshot, but, oh well. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed reading! Please don't be silent readers and tell me what you think - No worries, I don't bite, unless you want me to xD

Happy Holidays to everyone~! Don't waste this opportunity to spend some time with your family and friends, because you never know what beautiful memories could be born when you're with them :)

Peace out <3 Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO Karma Akabane, Levi Ackerman, and - most especially - to the Lord!





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