Kanan's coming

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Ezra's pov
I was asleep with Sabine in my arms and little Mira to, I had a nightmare of Kanan killing my family Sabine Zed Hera his son Jason and he will take Mira away from me and Sabine, I waked up to see Sabine still asleep with Mira I was scared I had to talk to the Bendu, I got to the place where Bendu is, Bendu Bendu! I need help! Said Ezra, ahh young Bridger nice to see you again said Bendu and said something wrong? Yes Bendu it's Kanan! Your Master? He's no longer my master Bendu said Ezra, tell me what's wrong? He's going to kill my wife and Zeb and Hera and his son Jason and he'll take Mira too said Ezra, hmmm you can't let that pain happen young Bridger said Bendu and if you keep up with it he will find you and kill your family said Bendu, ok so how can I stop this said Ezra, look through the force Young Bridger said Bendu.

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