Chapter Seven - His Decision

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K.O sat in his bed and sighed, closing his eyes, thinking about everything that went on yesterday. After Rad and Enid found out what he did, they told his mom, and her reaction wasn't what he expected.

She didn't yell at him, instead, she hugged him tighter than she's ever hugged him before. He didn't know why she hugged him, he just wanted her to get mad enough at him so he could finally know that she hated him.

He just sat on his bed with his eyes closed, carefully swinging his legs back and fourth. He had to go to school today, but in all honesty, he didn't want to.

"Hey, K.O," Carol said, standing in the doorway. "Get ready for school, okay sweetie? I'll meet you in the car."

"Okay," he responded, hopping off his bed. He sighed and remembered yesterday and how everyone was acting the way they did.

He grabbed his backpack and walked out to the car, buckling up and sighing. His mom looked at him with concern, and just sat there for a moment, looking at him, when she spoke.

"K.O, what was all that about yesterday?" She asked. "I mean, I knew that something was bugging you, but, I didn't think it was bugging you this bad."

He stared at the window and didn't answer, causing her to sigh and start the car up. It was going to be a long day.


K.O couldn't believe how school went. Everyone was surrounding and talking about him, asking if he was okay and what had happened to him. He didn't understand why everyone was so concerned, he just wanted people to stop worrying about him.

Honestly, he was happy to be out of school, but he wasn't ready to go to Gar's. After yesterday, he felt completely miserable over there, just like everywhere else. He didn't want to be at school, he didn't want to be at home, and he didn't want to be at the plaza.

He knew he didn't belong anywhere and that people only pretended to care about him. He didn't understand why he felt this way, but he just wanted all this sadness to go away.

Then, he remembered his dream from a few nights ago and how real it felt. The thought that he shook out of his head before appeared in his head again, but this time, he didn't shake it out. He just sat there in his seat while his mom was driving him to the plaza, thinking about it.

He knew it was dark, he knew it was wrong, but at the same time it felt so right. It felt so depressing yet so great to think about it, but also so very wrong. He really wanted to but, no, he couldn't, or maybe he could.

He was so confused about what was going on, how he was feeling, and what he should do. He just looked out the window, staring into space and thinking about what he should do.

Then, he remembered what the bullies had said to him. He gasped to himself, remembering that what they said was true. He closed his eyes and imagined Enid and Rad shouting at him because of yesterday, and his mom saying extremely harsh things to him

He closed his eyes tighter as he kept imagining these things, but he stopped once the car stopped and his mom spoke. "Hey, K.O, we're here," she said.

He shook his head free of the thoughts and opened the door, looking around outside. His gaze shifted to the roof of Gar's, which appeared to be a decent height from the ground.

"I'll see you around, K.O," Carol said, walking toward her dojo. He watched her as she left, and once she was out of sight, he ran toward the back of Gar's.

He sighed and sat down, looking at the ground. He knew what he was going to do, he's made his decision.

He just had to decide when to do it.

(A/N) Okay, so this new, amazing cover was made by MadameOfFanFiction, go give them a follow cause they deserve it! xP

Anyway, what do you guys think? It could've been better near the end imo, but other than that I really like this chapter!

Anyway, if you enjoyed this chapter, please vote and comment, and I'll see you in the next one! ^_^

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