the secret to love pt. 2

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i get it. a part of you will crumple up and die if the person you feel for doesn't like you back. but you need to get over it. as hard as it is, chasing after them will make the wound hurt even more than it already does. space is ok. leave them alone. they don't know what they lost. unless it is possibly a best friend. try to keep those ties, and don't tell them you like them unless you're absolutely sure they feel the same. however, if you truly trust this person, tell them. keeping feelings bottled up inside is never ok. but best friend or not, feelings are normal. never think that they aren't. and trust me on this: you can keep other people's secrets, but don't tell them yours. if you don't want people finding out that you like them, don't tell them. secrets are safe inside of your head, so keep them there.

these are the secrets to love pt. 2

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