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Dark's POV

Shortly after the guy left I walked out of the cafe, drink in hand as I walked back to my apartment. Taking the "healthier" route I jog up the concrete stairs and find the door to my apartment. The door is nearly open when I feel a tap on my shoulder, curious, turning around I'm faced with a smirk and a bright pink mustache with equally pink hair. Oh boy, prepare yourself Dark.

"Hello Dark" Wilford said smiling lopsidedly.

"What do you want Wilford?" I ask grumpily.

"Oh not to much really, just got a job for you is all. You interested?" Wilford looks me up and down. I look him up and down in turn and motion for him to come inside. Once we get to the kitchen we both take a seat at the table.

"What kind of job?" I lock eyes with Wilford.

"A killing kind" he casually responds.

Figured as much. "Go on"

"His names Billy. He's a brute who's been annoying the shit out of me recently, and Wilford Warfstache don't take shit form nobody!" Wilford stated triumphantly, I nearly interrupted him mid sentence but I held my tongue.

"How much are you paying?" I ask switching topics for a second


"Give me some more details and you got yourself a deal"

*Time skip to after Dark and Wilford finish discussing details*

Dark's POV

Found him, he fits Wilford's description perfectly. I follow him from the rooftops, balconies, and various ledges of buildings as he walks about the city streets. He finds a group of drunks who give him alcohol, after a while he stumbles off down the street. Billy walks into a shady area of the city and that's when things start to get interesting for him. A group of 4 extremely drunk girls come up to him and start following him practically hanging off him as they go, they come upon a lone guy leaning against a building with his hood up. Billy starts to taunt him and shoves the guy away from the wall, the guy, having seemingly grown tired of Billy, punches him in the face. Billy, enraged by the mans actions, pulls him into a alley. The girls don't follow them into the alley and leave going into a nearby club. Billy's got the guy trapped in the alley and advances towards him, but whenever he swings a punch the man effortlessly dodges. Silently landing on a metal platform I watch the fight able to now hear what they're saying. Billy swings another punch at the man but misses yet again, but instead of just air Billy's fist connects with solid brick. Bones cracking Billy screams and stumbles back. The man chuckles, he kicks Billy's leg, and shoves him to the ground. Grunting Billy tries to rise, but before he can get up the man steps on Billy's throat applying just enough pressure to cease Billy's movements. Leaning down and resting his arms on his knee the man looks at Billy.

"It's been a while since I've had such an easy win to a fight" the man chuckled. Billy whimpered

"Oh what this? Somebody scared?" The man taunted in a baby voice "Somebody trying to beg for mercy?" The man applied more pressure to Billy's neck. He cackled. "Too bad" the man slammed his leg down on Billy's next crushing his throat ending his life.

I jumped down from the metal platform with attached ladders and stairs landing by the man. Hearing the noise he turned around and looked at me. Something seemed familiar about him...

The man pointed a accusing finger at me his brows furrowing "what the hell are you doing here?"

"Trying to do my job, but it seems like you've done it for me" I said acting nonchalant.

"Your welcome then, besides he was annoying the shit out of me" the man looked down at the guy's body and then back at me. "What's your name?" He asked

"Why do you want to know?"

"Because you look familiar now answer the damn question" he said Impatiently

I rolled my eyes "Dark"

"So it is you" he said. The man removed his hood and I recognized him from the cafe. "Antisepticeye, but you can call me Anti" Anti said extending a hand to shake as he back kicked Billy's corpse underneath a garbage can. I shake Anti's hand.

"Darkiplier, Dark for short" we end the handshake

"Guess I'll see ya around Dark" Anti starts to walk out of the alley

"How do you know we'll meet again?" I ask turning around to face him

"I don't" and with that, he's gone

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