ErrorLucy X Error Sans, The party

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Error Lucy's POV

I stepped through the portal looking at Geno's house snow falling pleasantly to the ground to collect. Mustering up any courage I could find in me I went to the door and knocked, no sooner had I knocked Blueberry Sans opened the door grinning.


"H-hey Bl-lue."

"IM GLAD YOU COULD MAKE IT TO GENO'S PARTY TONIGHT, ITS BEEN A BLAST HERE!" Blue closed the door behind me the houses warmth settling over me.

"Oh-oh rea-all-ly? G-glad-d I-I cou-uld make it th-then."


"I-i bet s-s-so. I'm-ma he-ead over t-to th-he dr-rinks-s, th-hey in the k-kitch-Chen?" I began walking towards the tiled room I was assuming to be the kitchen Blue nodding yes.

The kitchen was filled with a few people-Classic, Geno, Mustard, Death and Depression in all.

"H-hey Guy-ys" I waved at everyone heading over to the punch bowl on the counter.

"It's spiked." Classic continued to drink from his mug warning me calmly. I stopped pouring a cup and put down the ladle.

"Point t-taken." I poured myself a mug of cola instead leaning against the counter looking at everyone. "S-so-O Bl-lue tol-le m-me th-the part-tys bee-en g-goi-in' we-ell."

"Well a lot of stuff has happened, Blue spiked the punch, The Fells worked out their problems, there's a friend club now, Death attempted to kill me and other things like that." Classic took another sip of his drink everyone else mumbling their agreements.

"D-da-ang, i'd-d wish I'd c-c-come-e ear-rlier-r n-now." Tipping my head back I swallowed the sweet cola.

"I'm just curious to see how the rest of the party goes to be honest." Geno was lying on the ground obviously drunk a bit but over the worst of it by the looks of it.

" I believe Fresh is annoying the hell out of Error right now and Sci's on the phone with lil' Paps singing a lullaby full of science." Mustard stated matter of factely.

"Hrrk" I chocked on cola coughing up a storm after painfully swallowing it getting weird looks and stares from the others.

"Uh you okay Glitch?" Depression looked at me concerned looking me up and down constantly.

"I-I'm f-f-fin-ne ack." I coughed a bit more before talking again. "E-err-ro's h-her-re?" I started to mentally panic, it must have shown through because everyone looked at me concerned.

"What's wrong between Error and you?" Death asked. I looked at him deciding it be best if I sit down in one of the chairs at the table with everyone sighing while doing so sitting in between Death and Mustard.

"Wait, Have you met Error yet? I've never heard you mention him out of everyone you know." Geno looked at me as did everyone else.

"Yes-a a-an-nd n-no." Depression looked really befuddled.

"What does that mean?"

"W-wel-ll... I ha-vn-n't M-met E-error but I u-used to-o kn-now him." Understanding swept across everyone's faces.

"Your from the same universe aren't you." Classic said it, I looked at him and nodded causing everyone's confusion to surge.

"But he said he's the only one who survived the extinction of his universe!" Depression said.

"H-he th-thinks I d-died li-Ike every-yone el-lse but-ut I did-idnt." I rested my chin on my hand holding back my feelings.

"How'd you survive?" Geno asked.

"I... I-i don't kn-know." The compassion in these people's eyes was enough to encourage me to talk more. "But-it I-I've be-even to-to af-fraid to ta-alk to hi-im."

"Afraid of what?" Death asked.

"A-afrai-id he-e won-not be-elive me, af-afraid he wi-I'll ha-ate me or-r even-n kill-l me." I stood up going over to the punch pouring myself a cup sighing and closing my eyes. "I-I really-y shou-uldnt be-be telli-ink you-ou guys."

"Agh wh-here's th-hat pun-nch?" Error walked into the kitchen looking at everyone and then at me the tension building instantly.

"Welp I'm gonna go see what Paps is up to." Classic left followed by everyone else leaving me and Error alone in the kitchen.

(Sorry guys for the cliff hanger, but I gotta go to sleep and my iPads gonna die soooo bye!)

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