The girl of the assylum

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Lark's POV

"I-D sir?" A man guarding the gated wall asks me leaning on my car window. Grabbing my Asylum I-D I hand it to him and watch him glance it over and hand it back. Thankfully, the card doesn't have my middle name on it, only the initial.

"Have a good day" He grumbles as the gate lifts up and opens.

"You to" I say driving up the road and parking my car. Looking up at the building isn't all 'oh nu so spooky it's a asylum' thing it's more of a 'why hello job that has me interact with people whom are different', I grab my stuff out of the back seat of my car and head inside, I check in with the receptionist and before I know it I'm in my office. Yay, I can unpack now. I open the box I brought with me and set my computer, notebooks, pens, pencils, erasers, and my light on the desk. That's all I've brought so far, the place came with a desk and shelves so I didn't need to get much else. Taking a few minutes to situate my stuff I sit back in my office chair and look at the room-mentioned I have a office chair right- and let out a long breath.


Welp time to go meet some people! I briskly stand up and walk out the door making sure I had my I-D card with me, okay I do. I walk over to the door which leads to the 'patient building' as its called, God I hate that name it's such a tedious word 'patient'. Sliding in my card I here a little click which reminds me of hotel key card. I walk into the hall and see a guard right by the door.

"Hello, I'm Lark" I say smiling, and the guard smiles back.

"Hey Lark I'm AJ, pleased to meet ya" he says with a Boston accent. We end up shaking hands.

"So where do I go first? I've never been here before" I say

"Well I'd suggest going down the rooms and find out about some patients. You can look at their charts or try attempting conversation" he says shrugging "I'm just a guard though so I don't know much"

"Okay, thank you AJ. See ya later" I call behind me as I walk down the hall and see it open up. To the left and right are prison like rooms lined in long, long rows. I decide to go left first.

*time skip that skips all the wandering Lark did down the cells*

I walk past another cell when I hear a tap on the bars from a cell behind me, I turn around and see a girl around my age leaning against the bars,

"Hello" I said when she didn't say anything, she looked me up and down for about the 4th time

"Hi" she said "what's a guy like you doing here?" She asks

I look puzzled "what do you mean?"

"Your to nice" she says "and normal" she almost looks bored.

"If normal is watching YouTube and playing video games nearly all day then yes, I'm normal" I say, her eyes shine for a second

"Who do you watch?" She asks the shine in here eyes still visible.

"Jacksepticeye, Markiplier-" "say no more your good in my book" she cuts me off mid sentance and I smile.

"What's your name?" I ask because I can't refer to her as 'her' forever.

"Willow" she says.

"Mines Lark" I say smiling, a intercom turns on and a females voice echos through the corridor

"Lark please return to your office, thank you" the intercom cuts off.

"Bye Will-" I turn back to Willows cell and see she's gone. "Willow?" I look deeper into the cell looking for Willow, she couldn't have just disappeared. I hear giggling and see Willow in the middle of the room, did I just not see her somehow? No I would have seen her.

"H-How-" I stutter out before I'm cut off

"You better be going Lark, who knows what they'll do to you if you don't show up" she says ominously. I shake my head confused and walk back down the hall.

"Bye Lark" I hear Willow call after me giggling "see you tomorrow" I hear her voice go dark before I can't hear her anymore.

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