The Lost Toy

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??? POV

It's been years since I've seen him. 4 years, 9 months, and 23 days I think. Agh, it almost hurts to think about how long it's been. Not for him though he probably thinks back and thinks it hasn't been long enough, thinks he hasn't gotten far enough away, thinks I'll just appear around the corner or melt out of the shadows. Haha just thinking about him suffering makes me laugh.

Oh his screams! Oh my god his screams were THE BEST, his vocal range was amazing! One scream would be cracked and high pitched and another would be much lower by comparison and shake the room. He would talk too, although it was mostly curses it was still enjoyable to hear.

Always had to keep him contained as well, if he wasn't tied, chained, or locked up in some way he would attack me at full force. He was a damn good fighter too, so the fighting was always intense in the best possible way. Even when he was bleeding and bruised from the various amounts of torture he fought, sluggish and jittery as it was he could still make a entertaining fight.

And don't get me started with his facial expressions, my GOD. No matter what face he pulled it looked stunning! Light cut with a small knife, BAM and he scrunches up perfectly. knick with a razor sharp object, BOOM he grimaces excellently. Stab with a needle, POOF he jumps and tenses up. Chemicals kick in and BANG, he screams in agony his face contorting to show a million different degrees of pain.

At this point I'm grinning thinking about all the fun times we had. Ah, the memories. If I ever had the chance to I'd torture him to my hearts content, but sadly he escaped me and ran far, far away nowhere to be found. It was a sad day, I lost my toy after all. But I continued on.

Looking at my watch I see it's time to go and take care of... business, so with the thoughts of my old toy in my mind I head out the door.

I wonder who it could be? Oh wait! I already know who it is since I'm the author. Hehe I wonder if anybody else can figure it out. Yeah probably. (EDIT: I actually had a great idea and changed who it was while writing a chapter =P just Ellebanna things)

Finally started taking notes and writing down ideas for my stories so I got some things planned... hehehe.

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