Waking up (UF Sans x UF Lucy

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Lucy's eyelids fluttered open as she realized the soft comfortable materiel under her was actual a bed of golden flowers. Sitting up she tried to remember what had happened to get her here. She gradually stood up and decided the best thing to do was find someone, at least then she had a better chance of getting a sense of where she could be. Walking around a corner Lucy encountered a flower, and a pretty shabby one at that. He was all ruffed up, his six yellow petals had obvious signs of wear and tear and quite frankly he looked like he was very weak.

Lucy's view

Looking the flower up and down to asses him I recognized who he was. Flowey, originally Asriel, Son of king Asgore and queen Toriel. Without his soul he was nice unlike how he used to be, in his time he was one of the cruelest monsters in the underground. I was flooded with the vast amounts of information I knew but one thing was for sure.

I had never been to this place. But knew exactly everything about it.

Flowey finally turned around noticed me standing there staring him up and down. He looked scared but he looked mostly confused.

"H-howdy! I'm Flowey, Flowey the fl-"

I shot two bones at him only barely missing him to show i meant business.

"What would you rather be called Flowey or Asriel?"

Flowey didn't have much reason to be scared of me before- besides my outfit- but he was sure as hell scared now. He shivered all over at the remembrance of his name and my sudden attack.

"H-how do you k-know tha-at nam-me?"

"Reasons. Now, would you rather be called Flowey or Asriel?"

"F-Flo-owey w-ill do j-just fine..."

"Okay. Well, see ya around Flowey."

I grinned wickedly then walked to Flowey making him flinch at how close i got before passing him. He turned his head around and yelled to me.


I stopped walking and turned slowly around to face Flowey once more.

"What now?"

"W-whats y-your name?"


I turned back around leaving the flower behind as i continued onward. There was a certain lady I wanted to talk to.

~Well i hope you guys enjoyed my first chapter. I take requests and suggestions and am eager to please. Imma go and write chapter 2. See ya guys there!~

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