You, me and this bus seat-part 1

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Blair's POV

I walk over to my buzzing phone, the alarm going off expecting me to still be sleeping. But nope, I got up a while ago to watch YouTube and play video games like I usually do. Running upstairs I make two pieces of toast, make my lunch, grab my stuff and go. Rarely do I actually wake up to that alarm, I just use it to tell me "HEY BLAIR! GET YOUR ASS OUT THE FUCKING DOOR IN 10 MINUTES OR YOUR SCREWED!"

The walk to the bus stop is actually quite nice. It always reminds me of the quiet and calm roads in horror games that make you feel like the quietness is to abnormal and the calm is eire as all hell. The stop is right by a small empty patch of land that stands out with its tall grass and scattered flower patches making its only known purpose to stand out. I sit down on the plots edge deciding to listen to Twenty Øne Pilots, I wait roughly a minute or so before Josh comes running towards the bus stop, Josh is the notorious bad boy, everybody knows who he is and they know that no matter what he's doing he's up to no good. I always found those kinds of characters in stories and games very interesting but Josh choose to bug me and it got flat out annoying sometimes. Josh ran a tiny bit past me slowing down and walking backwards sitting next to me.

"Hey Blair."

I didn't respond just continuing to stare up the road in the direction the bus would come from. Josh looked to the spot where my eyes landed and stared for a second before whispering

"Do you see a Pokemon?"

As a hardcore gamer I couldn't not reply. "Of course not. The Pokemon Gaming Contacts don't come out for at least another week."

The bus came into view from the distance.

"Hey I got a response out of you. That's new." Josh sounded happy in a way I wasn't familiar with and I didn't like it.

I rolled my eyes in response and stood up the bus pulling in front of us. I walk all the way to the back of the bus sitting in the left seat. Even though people love the back of the bus no one ever sat next to me, which was completely fine by me. The friends I have that go to my school don't ride my bus and besides no one cramming next to me meant I got to do whatever I wanted without the annoyance of the other person. But Josh sat right next to me. Everyone on the bus looked back at least once before we pulled out again, no one could believe it. Josh was also somebody who sat alone on the bus but he had decided to sit next to me of all people. I continued listening to TØP looking through my Instagram feed like usual but Josh kept tapping my shoulder. I put my phone away angrily turning to Josh.

"What?" I seethed angrily

"Hey don't be like that" Josh said mockingly "Can I ask you some questions?" He asked curiously.

"Sure why the hell not." I was curious as to what exactly he would ask.

"Hmm lets see... do you like YouTube?" Josh stretched his legs into the ail.

"Yes. Specifically Jacksepticeye, Markiplier and Mathias" I said "How about you?" I honestly didn't know what to expect from him, viners? Meme lords? Haters?

"I watch all sorts of content but YouTubers specifically I'd have to say those guys" Josh crossed his arms behind his head. I was a tad surprised that he liked them.

"Let's see what's another good question... Hmm... Do you like Video Games?" Josh asked

"Hell yeah" I couldn't help but be excited at the mere mentioning of the words.

"What genere?" Josh said snickering a slight bit.

"I tend to shy away from more puzzle based games or multiplayers like Clash of Clans. But everything else is great"

"Okay ready for the last question?" Josh eyed me from the corner of his eye.


"Why haven't you ever talked to me before now?"

I thought about a good response for a moment "because we've had nothing in common until now."

The bus stopped, the brakes screeching against the tires rubber material. We got off the bus and I entered the school heading off to my usual morning place. Completely out of tune with most of the world I didn't notice what Josh was doing.

Josh's POV

I watch Blair head into the building and go towards the small band of people whom I know to be her friends. I head towards the cafeteria and walk into the courtyard. The courtyards almost always empty but there's a few people around occasionally but no one stops me and asks me where I'm headed cause if they did they would not be greeted happily. I wander into the maze and find a dead end, or at least what appears to be a dead end, the wall is covered in vines so thick you can't see through but having been to this place so many times I had the location of the crack in the wall memorized. Making sure no one was looking I slipped through and walked into the secret garden. I set my stuff down by one of the benches and think for a while, eventually the bell rings and I take my time heading to class, shy of a minute late. The teacher takes no notice of me as I sit down and she calls out attendance.

(Time skip: end of the school day)

During the school day I manage to cause chaos as usual, shouting at people, pushing teachers buttons, writing on various things and even flooding the bathroom, low-key disturbing the entire school as a whole. And like usual Blair doesn't notice me eyeing her, no one does. I have all my classes with her and she's aware of that but no one is aware of me looking at her and letting my mind wander. I sit at the same table she does cause the people I hang out with and her group sometimes blur together and so I end up seeing her most of the day, which is good and bad cause I get to be able to look at her but I can't get her to talk to me. Today was basically the first time she talked to me in... Ever! And today, in her conversation with her friends, she said her Snap Chat name. flareon_from_wonderland. The rest of the day my mind wouldn't let me not think about following her account and texting her. No one knows my Snap Chat name at school so this could work perfectly!

When I finally got on the bus I forced myself to not sit by Blair. I pulled out my phone and stretched out on the bus seat, no one was ever gonna sit next to me so it didn't matter what I did. I opened Snap Chat and looked for her account and within a few seconds I found it. I instantly followed her and then left the sight to go on Instagram and check my feed.

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