New vrs. Chap 3

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^Here's another version of the same song, just a different singer. I have no preference, their both good. You may choose either of 'em.


I'm on a roll~ hope ya'll enjoy this chapter too~



*Continuation from last part. Small time skip.*

After Aaron saved you, you were laying down unconscious on the beach with him at your side. Aaron didn't dare to leave your side, his eyebrows furrowed in worry as he looked over at your unconscious form. He then moved his gaze back to your face, gently moving a piece of your hair out of the way, he swallowed thickly as a lump was forming in his throat, he began to feel tears welling up in his eyes. He took a deep breath before speaking "I-is he....d-d-dead?" he said as his voice cracked, looking sadly at Scuttle.

Scuttle waddled close to your face, and began to open one of your eyes, then closing it "It's hard to say..." he said examining you closely, before walking up to your feet, all the while Aaron was biting his lower lip nervously, looking at Scuttle with a hopeful look 'Please say he is alive....please....' he thought as he let a single tear fall. Scuttle moved one of your feet against his ear and after a few seconds, he began to look down in sorrow "Oh....I-I can't make out a heartbeat....". he said, sadness evident in his voice.

Aaron felt his heart break, he would've broken down crying if it wasn't for the slow yet steady breathing, suddenly coming from your mouth. He began to smile brightly, and began to gaze happily down at your face, while tears of joy started to stream down his cheeks "N-no look! He's breathing." Aaron smiled sweetly at you, beginning to move another piece of your hair gently out of the way "He's so handsome..." he said in a soft voice, eyes filling with adoration and love, his tears beginning to stop. He then began to slowly and carefully move your face so that you were facing him.

(Another song thing, I know some people like this while others don't(I personally don't like it much either, but i'm staying true to le movie). Just skip if yu no like but you'll miss some cuteness.)

"What would I give, to live where you are....~"

"What would I pay, to stay here beside you....~" he sang lovingly while caressing your face.

"What would I do, to see you smiling at me....~" he sang letting his gentle hands go through your messy but soft (H/C) locks. He smiled gently at that before continuing.

"Where would we walk? Where would we run? ~ If we could stay all day in the sun~ ...." He sang as the gray clouds above them made a way to let the warm sun rays make the scene more beautiful.

"Just you and me~ And I could be part of your world~" You slowly began to wake up from your unconsciousness, and gently held Aaron's hand that was sweetly caressing your face, slowly opening your dazed (E/C) eyes, you began to smile gently at his beautiful yet slightly blurry face.

(Welcome back. You can continue reading now.)

 Aaron smiled lovingly at you, as a rosy blush began to adore his cheeks. He then started to lean down, letting his face get closer to yours, some of his bangs fell in front of his eyes. Something flickered in his eyes, but you couldn't quite tell what it was. Before he could do anything further, there was familiar barking in the background, Aaron quickly shot up and began to frantically look in the direction of the barking, seeing the familiar wolf running to you both, along with hearing another voice close by yelling it's name.

He took one last glance at your slightly dazed form, before giving you a quick peck on your cheek, as he started going back in to the sea. You were slightly shocked at the affectionate gesture, but before you could do anything, a familiar (color) wolf came by your side and immediately started to lick your face happily. The wolf saw the familiar teal/green fish tail moving in the water so she started jumping in the water barking happily.

  When Grismby finally had caught up to (P/n) he gasped in shock "(M/N)?! Thank goodness you are still alive! You really are full off surprises aren't you?" Grimsby said chuckling a bit at the end, as he crouched down to help you get up, when you finally stood upright, you started to rub your head in pain. Your eyes then began to widened in realization as you started to look around the beach frantically "A-a boy....saved me..." you then looked at the sea smiling slightly, remembering his angelic voice "H-he was singing..." you said as you then began to walk a bit, you felt a bit faint, but you tried your best to ignore it "He had the most beautiful voice....~" as you said that you began to fall backwards.

Luckily Grimsby came to your rescue, and began helping you back upright "Haha~ aahhh (M/N), I think you've swallowed a bit too much seawater... Come on let me help you..." he said helping you to keep your balance "And of we go!" he said slinging one of your arms around his shoulder, before guiding you back to the castle "Come on, (P/N)!" Grimsby yelled at the wolf. She stopped playing around and immediately began fallowing you both. You looked back at the sea longingly, not really wanting to go but you had you continued walking back to the castle, not noticing Aaron hiding behind one of the rocks, giving you the same longing look.  

Aaron stared to sigh to himself, putting his hand were his heart was before hearing Sebastian's slightly panicking voice, interrupting him from his thoughts. Sebastian began to move his claw around "We're just gonna forget this whole thing ever happened! The sea king will never know...You won't tell him. I won't tell him. And I will stay in one piece." he said frantically, before seeming to calm down and smile a bit weirdly. Aaron rolled his eyes at that and started to climb more up on the rocks, letting the wind blow in his hair.

(continuing le song. don't skip.)

"I don't know when...~ I don't know how~. But I know something is starting right now!~"

"Watch and you'll see...~ Someday I'll be~ Part of your World!!" he sang the last verse full of passion. Before slowly retreating back down of the rock and began watching you with a soft gaze.

"Oh no....this is not good...." Sebastian said face palming, as he soon started to rub his forehead not noticing some creepy eels looking at Aaron.


Imma just go, sorry if it's a bit short x'D Hope ya'll enjoyed.


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