Chapter 9 - Across the sea

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" Well, Um, father. . . " She started as he started at Daisy confused. " You had been controlled by Darkstalker. . . And I don't know what happens when you're like that, but Your gonna be ok, dad. "

Daisy tried to put on a smile as she hugged Stormrider tightly. He still looked confused.

" That's, alright. . . " Stormrider said, " dragonet. . . "

Daisy let go and looked at her father with hurt eyes, he had never called her dragonet before. . .

She searched his mind only to see him still confused and wondering what the futures of hanging out with the group of dragonets, it was the only time she had ever seen in there, it was confusing the visions taking up half of what he was thinking about. He had always apparently hidden it from her and other mindreaders. Now it was exposed, and she could see a clear future of how he got his memories back and they flew across the ocean to see many tribes, at least seven tribes, maybe even more.

" D-dad? A-are you alright now? " Daisy stammered, feelings like Pyrrhia was crumbling under her talons. " D-do you know w-who we a-are? "

" No, I'm sorry do I look like another friend of yours? " Stormider replied " And why are you calling me dad? I don't think I've had a dragonet, even if I did, I would never- with a RainWing. " The last word was said like a rotten fruit. The others stared at Stormrider and Storm started to growl.

" Well, " Daisy said starting to get angry, from what she could see it was her scales were turning a flush strawberry color. " IF YOU DONT WANT ME HERE THEN TAKE YOUR STUPID THOUGHTS CLOSER AND- "

She stopped yelling as she flew up and started to fly to the place she saw in Stormrider's visions he knew everyone would be mad at her she thought she could see it play out in her head that they would stop her and put an end to her, like in the fairy tales.

Daisy kept tears back, she was supposed to be upset! She went through the mountains and stopped and made sure nobody followed her. She turned her scales into a warm orange with her scales. She kept her colors and flew towards a slow river. She looked at her self through the water and fixed some of her scales from time to time. Then she took off towards the kingdom of the sea and beyond.

* * *

She had been flying across the ocean for a couple of days, the last time she has stopped was an island from a day ago. She had seen the sun rise and set for three times over.

And hadn't seen any islands yet.

Then on the horizon she saw land, it looked like the rainforest, but she knew it wasn't the Rainforest she knew, it had a slightly different color of the leaves, it might have been slight, but she knew from the ground view of it very, very well.

She thought Land! as soon as she saw it from afar. She put on a burst of speed. trying to still have the speed of an adult but was too tired to do so.

She landed on the ground loudly and fell onto the ground, winded.

She hadn't been able to rest for the longest time, and she fell asleep.

Dreaming about Stormrider's answers and his comments. Along with the visions she saw in there, so her head was hurting the whole time. Her dream started to part like a river as she woke up.

She saw two figures as they were in the little hut, it looked like a seed but cut off from the bottom. It was a light beige all around with little windows that had big leaves on the outside. that cast an eerie amber color on the room floor, and some directly into her eyes.

She covered her eyes with her wings over her head. She heard talon steps coming closer towards the bed.

" Oh look Sin, she's dead, " One said sarcastically.

" She isn't, " another said poking her in the side carefully making Daisy flinch. " Look she moved, Jay so let this be. "

" Fine, but why won't she wake up? She doesn't look like another Shapewing. " Jay replied.

" Well, It doesn't look like she is, because she doesn't look like she has a shape, " 'Sin' said softly, it sounded like she was younger than Jay. " Plus, if she did, she doesn't look like a snake. "

Daisy peeked out a bit under her wings to see them looking at her.

" Oh, you're awake. " Jay said just as Sin said " Hello little one! " Their minds were focused on her, she shivered a bit but sat up a bit.

" Well, hi. " Daisy said softly. " Um, I'm wondering, what is a Shapewing? "

( Ok, I left it at a cliffhanger, because I'd like to make another book about this idea further about another tribe of this place and Its still W. I. P And been trying to flesh it out while posting this - Author

OK! I have been trying to work on these new tribes with friends, so it might not come out in a long while- and I'm having difficulties with the storyline- BUT I WILL PREVAIL :D -Paige from 11/17/2018

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