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There will be slight gore in the Prologue, AND chapters to come so If you are not ok with reading about gore or blood, back out now. Dragons still there? Other than those things I hope you enjoy this, and please tell me if there are some errors in my typing Grammarly can't help all the time.


Prince Quillo, and Quick' Strike


It was a dark night, the moons barely broke through the clouds 2 crescent moons and a full moon along with it. A dragon looked out his window sill, the cold breeze whipping in his face and into his room. The dragon didn't mind the cold, he was an IceWing! He shouldn't mind the cold at all! Well, he thought it is a tiny bit cold, but who cares? I don't!  He made a serious face as a dragon walked into the room.

" Prince Quilo? " The dragon that said that had a necklace with 2 silver circles dangling off it.

" Yes? " he asked wiping the serious look from his face, " Does Mother need anything from me? "

" Well, " she said awkwardly " Queen Lumi ran out of guards to patrol Blaze's old staying place "

Mother wanted me to go so far away from her? He thought furiously but then thought of her sisters, December and January then he calmed down.

"  Ok, I'll do it" Quilo replied with a tone of annoyance.

"  Are you sure Prince Quilo?" The dragon said once more.

He suddenly remembered the dragon's name, Crystal.

" Yes, I'm sure, Crystal. I'll head there in the morning " Quilo replied as she walked out of the room.

Quilo went back to the windowsill and saw a polar bear with 2 other cubs following her, sometimes tacking each other in the snow. He watched the polar bears walk around. Then he sleepily walked to his pillows and when he was almost asleep he said out loud.

" Goodbye palace, you've been good to me, " he said softly, as he drifted to sleep he dreamed of what he could find, treasure? A trespasser? Who knew.

*   *   *

A NightWing was running through the snow she was heading to an abandoned place she was forced to go to scout out, she and the other NightWings thought there might be some resources that might be useful to the others for building new homes in the rainforest. Even though they had stayed in the rainforest for two centuries, they still needed more homes. She caught a glimpse of an arctic fox running in the snow. She skidded to a stop and crouched low to the ground. The arctic fox sat down and started looking around, with what she thought was pure terror. She slowly, very slowly crawled towards the fox. The arctic fox surprisingly didn't notice her. She was glad she didn't have wings, it would be a pain to hide her black scales along with some pair of wings she didnt have. She advandced closer.

One. . . two. . . three!  she thought as she leaped up and clawed their back legs, so it had a hard time trying to run away. It scraped the snow trying to get away as she kept them down. She bit her teeth on its back it fidgeted violently and slowly started to stop moving, red running down its sides as it lay limp in her teeth. She started eating the arctic fox, guess that was what I was named for, Quick' Strike thought. As soon as she finished the last of the fox. She got up and kept on running to her destination. She saw a little building in the distance, and she kept up the pace of her quick speed. 

 As she got closer she saw a dragon flying towards the fortress as well. The Dragon had spikes everywhere and was the color of the arctic fox she just killed, white as snow with highlights of icy blue. Quick ' Strike lowered a bit more so her speed could increase. As the dragon landed softly on the ground she slipped into the building.

*   *   *

 Quilo landed softly by the entrance seeing a flash of black running inside maybe a bear? He immediately threw away the idea like throwing a bad piece of meat, only polar bears lived over here not black bears. He slowly crept towards the entrance only to see down the hallway were soft green eyes, calling him to come closer. A fear crossed her eyes as the eyes ran down the hallway.

" Wait, where are you going? " Quilo called to the dark figure. The figure didn't reply and turned a corner. Quilo slowly walked after it. Looking around as he did, seeing little carvings of SandWings, cacti, sand, suns, and other desert things that he personally liked. As he was walking he bumped into something, and the green eyes turned around and pinned him down. He tried to say something, but his mouth was shut down.

" What are you doing here? " The voice asked, her voice was kind, but fierce at the same time. " I asked, what are you doing here! "

Quilo pointed to his mouth, not able to talk. But as he did this the green eyes locked to a wall, and shot fire to a torch and it went aflame. Quilo could now see the dragon well now, he was still pinned his back to the ground, easily showing his weak spot. He could now see the dragon clearly. The dragon was a NightWing with hints of Purple everywhere and little silver tear drops by her eyes. He also noticed that the NightWing had no wings like they never existed in the first place.

" What are you doing here, IceWing? I didn't think anyone would come here in a million years " The NightWing said as she slowly un-clamped his snout ready to shut it if anything happened.

" Well, I was sent here by Queen Lumi to patrol this place and come right back, " As Quilo said this a curious look crossed the NightWing's face " and well if you were wondering, all the guards went missing recently. And I was the only one willing to come here-. "

" Whats your name. " The dragon questioned him.

" My name? " he wondered curiously.

" Yes, your name. Mine is Quick' Strike, did the magic place affect you as well? " Quick' Strike replied.

" Um, I have no idea what you're talking about. " Quilo replied.

Well, my mind is a tiny bit fuzzy. And IceWings should be strong, unless if animus magic interfered, he thought with fear.

" Yup, follow me, don't try to escape because it will be done soon, " She said with annoyance.

Quick' Strike got the torch and started walking around. Quilo followed the NightWing curious and confused at the same time.

 They finally arrived at a room with sand and camel pillows with the wall painted like the desert on the walls. In the middle of the room sat the camel pillows in the middle. Looking like a dragon hadn't sat there in a long time.

" Here we are. " Quick' Strike said with excitement as they walked into the room. Anicipating what she was about to do.

" Why are we here again? " he asked his mind getting more and fuzzier. She rushed across the room to an amber teardrop by a bowl. Quick' Strike whispered something into the bowl and suddenly there were 2 earrings. She ran over and put it on him quickly. 

Suddenly everything was becoming clear along with lies being told as a kid vanishing from his mind. He yelped and suddenly remembered what the teardrop scale by Quick' Strike's eyes was for, she could read his mind. As he panicked around the room She watched him like she had seen this before. 

As she stepped in front of him she yelled, " CALM DOWN! " Some of the snow quivered slightly.

He instantly calmed down. looking at her in the face with unsure emotions.

" I know, you're probably thinking differently, lies being erased, I know what you're going through, just calm down." She said again with a calmer voice

" How can you be so calm? 'Oh yeah I'm an all-powerful NightWing and I CAN READ MOTHER OF SNOW MONSTERS MINDS'! " Quilo said with an angry tone.

Quick' Strike looked at him with a hurt look and said something under her breath. Even with his good hearing, he couldn't hear it.

Quilo suddenly saw dragons looking over them. And fear suddenly crossed his mind as Quilo looked at Quick' Strike with pure terror, grabbed her and dragged her through the 'palace' and out into the snow. He faced the sleek black-purple dragon fear filling Quilo's eyes. 

"What did you do?" 

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