Chapter Nineteen - Curiosity

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The three continued walking until they reached a small door. Fink opened it up and let K.O. and Potato crawl inside before she crawled inside herself. "Okay," she said as she closed it behind her. "That's that. Now we rest for a bit and continue since it's not that long to the next area."

K.O. was extremely confused to how Fink knew about the locations and where they were, and he really wanted answers. He knew she was being useful because she was helping him and Potato get around unspotted and it wasn't that much longer until they would reach the anonymous hero's location.

"It's only like an hour, right?" K.O. asked as Fink gave him the snacks and water that were laid out for them. "Yes," she responded. "And then we only have a few more places to travel after that."

"Hey, how do you even know where to go?" Potato asked. "It seems a little suspicious."

Fink hesitated for a moment and thought of something. She really wanted to tell them something else, but she shook the urge away. "I um, I'm working with the hero, actually," she said, looking down. "I promised to help you guys get to the location."

Her face was a bit red, but she shook it away. She really wanted them to trust her, especially with everything that's been going on recently.

"Why couldn't you have told us that?" Potato asked. "It would've saved us the suspicion."

"Um, sorry," Fink said, rubbing the back of her head. "I guess I didn't think of doing it. I promise though I'll tell the truth from now on. No more lying."

Potato and K.O. looked at each other and then at Fink, who was standing in a very stiff position. "Well don't just look at me!" She snapped. "Get ready so we can go to the next location!"


"They were in here," Boxman said, looking around the now abandoned underground base. "And it looks like they were here for a long time. They were definitely living in here."

"Very strange," Venomous said, sighing. "I'm quite impressed with their efforts and managing to survive like this. Sadly this all went to waste when they left this. Doesn't even seem like too long ago, I wonder why they left in the first place, seems like a decent place to stay under the risks that exist for heroes, especially K.O."

"Well either way we need to find where they are," Boxman declared in frustration. "If we don't find him then who knows what'll happen to us!"

"Don't worry," Venomous said, pulling out his phone and opening up a number that was familiar to him. "I have someone watching him, they'll report back to me once they have everything figured out."

"Wait, are you just saying we need K.O.?! What about ---"

"We only need K.O., Boxman," Venomous replied. "It's the only one that he wants and needs. Potato is just an obstacle, we can easily get rid of her. Trust me, in the end this'll all be worth it."

Boxman sighed. "I guess you're right," he said. "But what if we don't find him?"

"Trust me, we will. Maybe not soon, but we'll find him," Venomous declared, a huge smile crossing his face. "Eventually we'll find him, and when we do, he'll get what's coming to him."

"And he'll suffer with every single passing second of his inevitability short life."


Fink was the first one to open the exit door and crawl out, letting K.O. and Potato crawl out behind her. "We just continue going north," she said. "This place is well hidden, you'll be fine."

K.O. let out a sigh. All this traveling was really tiring him out, especially with Fink helping them. He was grateful she was helping them, yes, but something about her doing this still didn't feel right and made him very uneasy.

Another reason he didn't really like her helping was because it felt like she was replacing Colewort in the group. He didn't know how much she was actually going to help them or if she'd stay with them. He actually doubted that the latter would happen, but he still didn't really know.

"Hey, uh, Fink," K.O. said, though she didn't turn to face K.O. as he spoke. "I'm just curious, but uh, after you lead us to this so-called hero's location are you going to stay with us or --"

"I'm going because I have other places to be and other things to do," she said as she felt her phone silently vibrate in her pocket. She let out a small growl once it did that, but she made sure that nobody else heard her.

"Oh," K.O. responded. "Okay, I was just a bit curious. Then again I'm curious about a lot of things, I think I should stop."

"Yes," Fink responded, briefly nodding her head. "You really should stop."

"Curiosity did kill the cat after all."

(A/N) So sorry for not updating the other day! I'm actually sort of making up things as I go and adding things onto the main story even though I had most of the overall story planned out from the beginning xD

Anyway, Thanksgiving break has officially started! Today during 2nd and 6th hour (same teacher) we got hot chocolate to drink xP

But ye, I don't really need to say anything else other than to please vote and comment if you guys enjoyed, and I'll see you in the next chapter! ^.^

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