Chapter Ten - Opening the Letter

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K.O. sat up and let out a yawn, looking over at Colewort, who was still asleep. His eyes glanced over to Potato, who was already awake. He walked over to her and was surprised to see her reaching toward the letter.

"Whatcha doing?" K.O. asked, startling her. She jumped back and was relieved to see it was only K.O., though she still appeared to be anxious. "I - I wasn't doing anything," she stammered, looking around. "I was just - " she stopped and let out a sigh, looking down at the ground.

"I was wanting to open the letter we got because I was curious. I mean, I know we're supposed to be waiting a week, but I'm just so curious on what it says."

K.O. looked at her and smiled a bit. "You know, I think we should open it up," he said. "I've been dying to know as well. And when Colewort is awake we can tell him we opened it and tell him what it said."

"Haha, that sounds like a good idea!" Potato declared. She grabbed the letter and looked around it, surprised there was nothing written on the envelope. "Ready to open it?" She asked K.O., looking at him. He nodded in response and this caused her to quickly open it up.

She unfolded the paper inside, which was surprisingly pretty clean and smooth, and set it down on the table. The two started to read the letter quietly to themselves, and they got more and more confused as they continued reading till the very end.

Dear heroes -

You don't know me, and I don't know who you are, but I know of your existence. Please trust me when I say that I am not a villain - I'm one of you guys: a hero.

I cannot reveal my identity over this message, but I can inform you of a location that is safe from harm of the villains. Attached to this message is a map from where you're located, to where the location in question is located.

Around that I marked some places that you should be able to rest freely in during the day, and I have left some supplies for you in each resting spot that should help you out.

I'll be waiting for you there, where you'll be able to meet me in person. From there I'll tell you anything you want to know as I guide you to a much safer place where you'll survive easier and your lives won't be at sake.

I understand if you refuse my offer, I'm a stranger to you, and you cannot trust anyone in this world. Though no matter what your decision is, I wish you luck and hope that you survive

- From an Anonymous hero

"Er, what did we just read?" Potato asked, looking at K.O. with confusion.

"It looks like someone is offering us a safer place to stay, but I don't know if we should trust them," K.O. responded. "I mean, it's hard to find any other heroes out there. If anything I bet it's a villain luring us into a trap."

He carefully pulled off the map that was attached to the back of the page and extended it across the paper. He was surprised at the fact it had arrows showing which way to go and the exact distance that it would take to get there.

By each resting place marked it had notes and what was supplies for them was kept there. On the bottom in big, bold letters it had a note written and circled, obviously drawing attention toward it.


K.O. and Potato just looked at each other again, both of them still extremely confused. "Maybe it's worth a shot? I mean, they're a villain, then they'd kill us and put us out of our misery. If they're a hero they actually are what they're claiming to be, then we'd hopefully be lead to a safer place."

"That actually sounds like a good idea," K.O. said. "But then again I'm not entirely sure, we'd have to leave our base behind and never come back. We've been here so long that leaving this place behind is he same as leaving your home behind, honestly."

"Agreed," Potato said. "But in the end, we couldn't have stayed here forever. So what do you say, should we do it?"

"I think we should," K.O. said in response. "It might be for the best anyway."Potato then nodded as well, and then it went silent for a long moment before the sound of Colewort waking up grabbed the two's attention.

"Colewort's awake," Potato said. "Should we go tell him now?"

"Yeah," K.O. responded. "Let's go tell him."


*Ahem* Sorry for my little Fangirl moment there, still freaking out about it and how much I related to Steven, especially in Gemcation. He's like so me, seriously xD

Anyway, that's really all I need to say other than please vote and comment if you enjoyed, and I'll see you in the next chapter! ^.^

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