Chapter Twenty-Three - Confessions and Sacrifice

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The two had packed their bags and had everything ready to go. Eventually the time came when they had to leave, and they left the area immediately, heading into the direction the map said to go.

They had to stay hidden, because even though there weren't many villains out, there were still some less on intelligent Boxmore bots roaming the street and searching for K.O.

The area they were traveling in was mostly hidden from view, but they could be found if someone searched hard enough for them. K.O. tried not to think about that, though, and just went on.

"This is the most nervous I've ever been," K.O. said in a quiet voice. "This is one of the most intense things since the time we almost got caught in the dumpster."

Potato just looked at K.O. and smirked, rolling her eyes a bit. She was much happier now that this whole thing was almost over and they were almost to the anonymous hero's location and hopefully would be safe.

While she was on that thought, she decided to check where they were now and just how much farther they were from the location. "Hey, K.O., can you pull up the map on the hackpack? I want to check something," she said, walking a bit slower now.

He nodded and pulled off the hackpack, clicking on some buttons until the map showed up. He then placed the hackpack back onto his back and held the screen in his hand, much like Dendy would do.

"We actually have not too much farther to go. It says we leave out the next door we see and then there will be a bit of land left before a fence cuts off an area that's much cleaner than here," K.O. declared, trying his best to sound smart, but he only sounded more adorable than normal doing so.

"It's one of the few locations where villains stay away from, and that we'll be safe there. It then just says to find an entrance to somewhere and then that's when we'll find the anonymous hero and that they'll help us."

"Where'd you get that info?" Potato asked, looking at K.O. in confusion.

"I just scanned the map into the hackpack before we left on this little adventure," K.O. responded. "It wasn't that hard, actually. Either way it somehow managed to scan all the writing on it and now it's like, all in the hackpack for some character convince I guess."

Potato just nodded in understanding, and the two continued on until they found the door. The two looked at each other and sighed, opening it up. Potato peeked outside, making sure there were no bots outside to find them. Afterwards, she looked over to her right, surprised to see there really was a fence blocking off a much cleaner area with very little debris on the other side.

"Come on, K.O.," Potato said, grabbing K.O.'s hand. He stepped next to Potato, and he squeezed her hand when they stepped outside. Once the stood outside, Potato closed the door behind them, and then she looked behind her before they moved.

"Go go go!" She said, lightly pushing K.O. ahead of her. Once he was running, she quickly followed behind him, her heart beating faster than it ever has.

Once K.O. and Potato reached the fence, they heard someone behind them. The two turned around to see a Mikayla standing there, ready to pounce.  "K.O., go," Potato declared, causing him to look at her in shock.

"Wait, what?!" He asked. "No, Potato, I can't - not after what happened to Colewort, you're going to ---"

"K.O., please, you're the one that deserves this," she said, refusing K.O.'s plea for her to come with him. "I mean, look, I like you, like a lot, I actually love you, but please, go climb over the fence and get to safety. You're worth more than me."

K.O. just stared at her, tears starting to spill. He just clenched his fists, and closed his eyes. He held that position for a moment before letting out a sigh. Suddenly, he opened up his eyes and quickly kissed Potato on the lips for a brief moment, startling her.

The kiss didn't last long and K.O. quickly let go, proceeding to climb onto the fence. "I'm going to miss you Potato," he said as he sat on the top of it. Potato just smiled up at K.O. before he hopped over to the other side. Right when he hopped over was when Mikayla pounced.

He didn't look behind him and stared at the ground. He just continued walking forward, unable to feel a thing because of what had just happened. "Hey, down here," a voice said, startling K.O.

He quickly looked around, when his eyes landed on a small crack in the ground with a hand reaching out and motioning him inside

The area that the hand was peeking out of was blended in with the ground, and the only difference was that it was a much darker color than the ground around him.

K.O. just stood there for a moment, thinking about what to do. That was when he looked back over at where Potato was, and then back at the hand, which was still motioning for him to go near.

K.O. let out a sigh and walked toward whoever's hand that was. Suddenly, the hand went back inside and opened up the entrance just enough to get him inside. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, quickly hopping inside, into the strange place.

With that, the entrance door was closed completely, and with that K.O. knew he was now here, and that there was no going back.

This was where his adventure would continue.

(A/N) With that, this first book is done and wrapped up, and now you guys have to wait for the second one, haha! Don't worry, though, it'll either be later this week or early next week when it's up, so just go ahead and keep this story in your library until then :>

Welp, this was actually a very fun story to write, and it's going to get even more fun in the next book. Trust me, I have so much planned, and it's going to be so fun!

Also yes, I did kill off Potato. Fite meh xD

Anyway, that's all! Thanks so much for reading this book, please vote and comment if you enjoyed this last chapter, and I'll see you guys when I publish the second book! Bye! ^.^

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