Cristmas special: 🎄❄️wings of love❄️🎄 (part 1)

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Heya! Sorry for the late update but, here it is! After my Character x reader book, I'm gonna post another Fransfic, but this time, it's sad and they're gonna adopt three little girls! It's called 'No More Resets'. Me and my Bestfriends; Hanacinth or Hanacinth07 and LakshmiLucas, thought of this in school.  LakshmiLucas suggested I should publish it since both of them aren't gonna be posting too much. That book is gonna be full of surprises! Okay, enough babbling. Hope you enjoy this!


Once upon a time, monsters and humans achieved peace not too long ago. A human--


A miracle happened, the barrier broke with no cause. That's how the two races achieved peace once again. However, no one knew how'd this happen except, one young monster who saw everything that's happened that day. Sans, was his name. Sans was just a mere child, sitting on a bed of golden flowers, looking up the sky. "I really wanna see what's up there" he wished. Then, he saw a a bright light. He covered his eyes with his arm. Sans noticed the bright light got dim and put down his arm to see a beautiful angel about his age. "W-what are ya'?" Sans said. The angel smiled at him and flew higher. A moment later, Sans saw a crack in the sky. The barrier magically shattered into pieces as it faded. Sans stood as the angel flew back down. "Hi, I'm Frisk, Frisk the Angel" the Angel said. Before Sans could even introduce himself, they heard bells from the sky. "I must go. See you later!" Frisk said with a smile as she disappeared out of thin air. That day, Sans believed it was love at first sight. As he stared at the sky, a white feather fell. Sans put out his hand as the feather softly and carefully landed on his palm. "I don't believe you're an angel, Frisk. You're more of a Goddess to me."

Years later...

"SANS!" Papyrus, Sans' younger brother, said. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING UP THERE?! WE HAVE TO GET READY FOR DAD'S HOMECOMING!" "I'll be down in a minute, Pap" Sans responded. He closed the book he was reading and put it down next to a white feather. Sans teleported downstairs. "Sup, bro" "ITS ABOUT TIME! YOU WERE TAKING SO LONG UP THERE. WHAT WERE YOU DOING?" Papyrus asked as he put the cooked (duh) spaghetti down on the table. "Y'know, just readin' a book" Sans said. They heard the door bell ring and immediately got ready. Papyrus opened the door and gasped. "Oh my, you've grown so much, Papyrus" Gaster, their step dad, said. Papyrus hugged Gaster very tight. "DAD!" Papyrus said. "Can't...breathe..." Gaster said. Papyrus immediately let him go when he said that. "SORRY!" Gaster chuckled. "It's alright, Papyrus" he said. He noticed Sans. "How's my old man doin'?" Sans said as he walked up to him. "And...Sans, nothing changed much, huh? Most specially you're height-" "Please don't remind me". The three started chatting more about what happened through dinner as the first snow fell. Meanwhile...

"Frisk!" Asriel, Frisk's older brother, said. "Where are you? Mom and Dad needs you" Frisk suddenly appeared in front of Asriel, almost giving him a heart attack. "Heya!" Frisk giggled. "Are you crazy?! You could've got me killed! Even if I'm immortal!" Asriel said angrily. "Jeez, it's just a prank" Frisk said and crossed her arms. "Whatever, just go to the throne room. Shoo! Shoo! I want to go to bed now" Asriel shooed Frisk away. Frisk rolled her eyes and started flying to the throne room. When she arrived, she carefully landed on the floor made of clouds. Frisk slowly opened the ginormous door. "Mom? Dad?" She said and stepped inside. "Ah, Frisk, there you are. Me and your mother was just talking about you..." Asgore, Frisk's dad, said. "Were you the one who broke the barrier that separates the two races years ago?" Toriel, Frisk's mom, asked. "" Frisk said and acted innocent. Her parents raised a brow. "Fine, yes. It was me" Frisk sighed. "And, why did you do it, my child?" Toriel asked. "'re gonna think I'm crazy if I tell you" Frisk said. "'Crazy' and 'impossible' quite describes us immortal beings" Asgore said. "We are willing to hear this story of yours. Cause an angel won't just do something that relates the world below us without a reason y'know" Frisk sighed. "When I was just flying around the castle, I heard a voice in my said 'I really wanna see what's up there' and somehow, my heart is telling me to make that wish into reality. So, I broke the barrier. That's my story" Frisk said. "You're gonna be a guardian angel!" Toriel said excitedly. "Pardon?" Frisk said, unsure of what her mother just said. "You see, dear, if angels hear someone's voice from below at a young age, they're destined to be that someone's guardian angel. Do you often hear that someone's voice?" Asgore said. "Hmm...well, he often says 'I want to see her again'" Frisk said. "Oh, so it's a 'he'. That's very rare...anyways, guardian angels goes down on earth to keep an eye on his or her host(?). However, there are 3 rules you must follow," Toriel said. "1, you must not tell anyone on earth that you're an angel, 2, do not show your angel form, and 3, no dating any mortals. If you violate any of the rule, my child, you'll be quickly sent back here and you cannot use your wings ever again." Frisk stayed quiet. "The 3rd rule kinda sounds like you just made it up" Frisk said. Her parents rolled their eyes. "Are you familiar with the world below us?" Both Frisk's parents asked. Frisk nodded. "We will send you down as soon as possible." Frisk's white dress turned into a blue jacket, a pink sweater and navy blue pants. Her wings and halo disappeared. A phone also appeared in her hand. "Cool!" Frisk said happily. A translucent, flying, white kitten appeared. "For the mean time, she will be your guide, she will also tell us if you did something" Asgore said. Frisk started to glow. "Goodbye, my child! We will miss you!" Toriel and Asgore said as they stood up and hugged Frisk. They broke the hug, soon Frisk disappeared as Toriel and Asgore heard a soft 'i love you'.

Gaster is already sleeping on the couch. "Jeez, are ya' that tired, dad?" Sans said, staring at Gaster. "OF COURSE, HE IS A BUSY SCIENTIST AFTER ALL" Papyrus said, washing the dishes. Sans said he'll go somewhere to Papyrus and teleported. He teleported to the park where he usually spends his time alone. "I'm actually here!" He heard a voice. Sans walked towards the voice and saw a girl with shoulder length, brown hair jumping up and down excitedly. "What the..." Sans murmured. The girl suddenly stopped and turned to Sans' direction. When Sans saw the girl's face, his head ache. Why does she look familiar? Sans thought. The girl walked towards Sans slowly until..."Boo!" Sans said as he put his arms up like claws. Frisk squeaked. "What the-what's wrong with you?!" Frisk said. "What's wrong with ya'? Ya' were jumpin' up and down like crazy" Sans said. "Anyways, what's a pretty little angel like ya' doin' so late out here?" Frisk gasped. "H-how did you know?!" Frisk said, a little terrified. "...what...?" Sans said, confused. Frisk just realized what he meant and smiled sheepishly. "Uh...heh, sorry..." Frisk asked shyly. "I live very far from here and I got lost" she lied. "Oh...I know a place where ya' could stay for the time being" Sans said. "It's...kinda far but, don't worry, I have a shortcut. Hold my hand" Sans said as he put out his hand from his pocket. Frisk held his hand soon, her vision blurred blue. "We're here" Sans said. Frisk got dizzy and lost consciousness. Sans caught her bridal style as Frisk slightly snored. "Guess she's tired. Hey Alphys?" Sans said. "S-Sans! I d-didn't notice you t-there." Alphys said. "I need ya' to babysit someone for me," Sans chuckled as he stared at Frisk's sleeping face. "She's highly valuable to me" Alphys almost squeal by just looking at the two. "S-Sure!" Alphys said. Sans put Frisk on the couch. "I believe I've already found my angel" Sans said before saying goodbye to Alphys and teleport back home.

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