Held hostage? (part 1)

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Aye whassup!

I'm sorry!

Yo yo yo! Your author iz back! And with a lot of ideas!

Well, some of it isn't official yet but eh. *shrugs*

Okay, enough! Here's the story.


《Frisk's P.O.V》

I slowly opened my eyes. I was in a really dark room. I can't feel my limbs and my mouth was covered with duct tape. I realized I was tied to a chair. I struggled in the ropes as I try to get out.

"It's no use..." A deep, smooth voice said. I hear his footsteps walking around me quietly, like he was wearing something soft. Suddenly, a purple blueish, reddish flame- like light appeared. It made me curious to what it is, but I tried to not let it bother me. I need to get out of here.

"W-why are you doing this?" I stammered, which made me mantally face palm.

"That's none of your business." He said. The weird light came closer to me. Suddenly, the real kind of light appeared. I realized the weird light came from a skeleton's left eye.

"Let me g-go!" I exclaimed, struggling. I was more scared than ever. I kept trying to wiggle out of these ropes. I kept struggling until...

"Ya' want to die, kid...?" He said as the cold steel of a knife touched my neck. I instantly stopped moving. "You're such a nuisance..." He grunted, playing with the knife he was holding. "But you're a brave one though. You're my first hostage who didn't actually cry. Tch..." He frowned. That might be a problem. Cause I feel like crying already.

"What do you want from me?" I asked softly. His back was turned to me, which somehow made him intimidating; the fact he's wearing a hoodie and all.

It took a minute before he respond. "It's none of your business, girly."

"Let me go!" I shouted, struggling once again.

I noticed he clenched his fists and turned to me, his left eye flaming vigorously. "SHUT...!"He shouted, making me freeze. He saw me and sighed, his flaming eye turning calm. "...up..." He continued.

Why do I suddenly feel an uneasy and scared energy from him? But who am I to judge? I decided to stay quiet while staring at him. He scoffed and turned to walk away, turning the lights off. I as everyone I know knows, I'm an emotional wreck. So...I just started crying. I just cried for 2 hours.

A day passed, it's noon. Well, that's what I think. That skeleton guy isn't really a bad guy after all. He's been feeding me--oh! And his spaghetti really tastes good. Like I'm not a hostage at all! Aside from the "me, tied up to a chair" thing. He's even giving me ice cold water and orange juice.
The light went on, signaling me that he's here. He just sat in front of me, his white pin pricks staring into mine.

"What do you want?" I asked a bit coldly. Hey. He may be a nice guy, but he still holds me hostage.

"You really want to know?" He asked, his head hung low. I nodded, obviously curious. "Your dad..."

I froze. My d-dad..? Why? Did he do something serious? Wait...no...he wouldn't...

"Your dad is the mafia boss, right?" He asked, his head resting on his arm.

I stayed quiet, feeling betrayed. I thought...but h-he promised...!

"That promise he made on TV was just a show for the public to fool...or he just really can't resist killing and selling drugs." He said with a blank expression. "Everyone were stupid to let him go..."

"Dad promise to be a good man now, my little princess."

Those words that I've always looked up to, now has full of hate and betrayal. My soul felt like cracking. Probably because it was.

"One of his guys killed my brother. Course, I took revenge on all of his bastards...by killing them." He said.

Right. I'm my dad's vulnerability. So he's here to kill me, to finish his revenge.

"Then why didn't you kill me from the start..?" I said softly.

"..." He stayed quiet. "I didn't kidnap you to kill ya'. I did to save ya'." I stared at him. I'm confused. "I know how your dad means so much to ya', to that promise. So I kidnapped you. I know he hasn't changed, tch, for a senator." He said, standing up. He left me but he didn't close the lights this time.

And I thought him kidnapping me was the worst thing that happened to me. Tears streamed down my face, my whimpers echoing in the room. What did I do to deserve this? I knew I was a good daughter to him, he said it himself. I don't understand. Why did he break his promise..? My vision flickered to red then back to the original color. Crap, I can't let my rage take over. Not now, not ever.

Night fell. I would really like to see the stars right now. My mom would always take me out to see the stars whenever I'm feeling down. And I really need them right now. I heard the door open, the hinge squeaking. I felt the knots tied to my hands loosen until I can move it around freely, the same for my feet. I rubbed my wrists as I stared at him in confusion.

"Just follow me." He said. I stood up, trying to regain my balance. I followed him upstairs. I saw myself in a kitchen, then in a living room. I'm at his house? Then I must be in his basement. We went outside. I gasped. The dark night sky was covered in billions of stars big and small. I felt teary, remembering the old times.

"Eh, well," He shrugged as he put his hands in his pockets. "I'm letting ya' go."

I stared at him. He's letting me go? But why?

"I realized it's not my choice if ya' want to leave your dad or live your life on your own." He wore a smug look on his face. "But I did knock some sense out of ya', right?" We chuckled as I nod my head.

"You know what?" I started. "I'm sick of my dad lying to me. I will live my own life."

He gave me a thumbs up. "If ya' don't have anywhere else to go, Um,  you can, uh..." He blushed. I giggled at his reaction.

"Stay with you? I'd be honored." I laughed. He laughed too. We just stayed there, under the dark blanket full of stars.


Aye whassup!

How was it? It's been a long time since I've written anything. Hope this satisfies you.

Part 2 will arrive, don't worry.

See ya', my dear awesome readers!

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