One-shot/part 5: I'll always remember you

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(can't think of a better title)

"Ya' freed all of us, kid...what now?" Sans said, looking at the sunset. It was only Sans and 15-year-old Frisk there, on Mt. Ebott. The others already left. "I have nowhere to go..." Frisk replied. "Y-ya' could stay at our place for a while...when Pap's finds one, that is..." Sans said as he blushed a tint of blue. Frisk giggled. "I'm serious. We've got no place right now" Sans said, a little Annoyed. Frisk just laughed, soon, Sans laughed with her. "Okay" Frisk said. "I'll just help you and Pap" Sans looked interested with what Frisk just said. "Help us with what?" Sans asked, curious. "With your house. You, Pap and I will find a job. When I saved up some more money, I could live in my own house now" Frisk said. Sans didn't hesitate to answer. "Deal" Sans said as he lend his bony hand out. Frisk shook his hand. Without warning, Sans teleported both of them on a hill full of flowers of such kinds. "W-what d-d-did you that for?!" Frisk said, nauseous. When Frisk completely lost her balance, Sans quickly caught Frisk bridal style. Frisk blushed intensely. "Still not used to that..." Frisk said shyly. "Get dunked on" Sans said. Frisk got confused but, soon, she realized what Sans planned. "Sans!!" Frisk said as she parted from Sans. This made Sans chuckle. "It's just a prank, kid" Sans said and winked at her. Frisk just rolled her eyes. "Anyways, why did you teleport us here?" Frisk asked. "I dunno. Sometimes, I teleport to a random place. It usually depends on what I'm thinkin'" Sans answered and sat down, looking at the sunset. Frisk sat beside him. "What were you thinking?" Frisk asked, clearly curious. "You" Sans said as he turned his head to Frisk. "Your as beautiful as these flowers..." Sans plucked a lilac and put it through Frisk's ear. "T-that's not true" Frisk said, clearly flustered. She quickly turned her head as she blushed. "Fine. Your more beautiful than the flowers here" Sans said sweetly. Frisk blushed harder when she heard those words. Sans chuckled and embraced Frisk. "C'mon pal. Ya' know I'm just messing with ya'" Sans said and messed Frisk's hair. "Sans, I swear to Asgore..." Frisk slowly turned her head to Sans, giving Sans a death stare. Frisk's glare sent chills down on Sans' spine. "Sheesh. You're as scary as Tori" Sans said. They just sat there and kept chatting until the sky turned dark.

"Sans!" 16-year-old Frisk said excitedly. Sans was just sitting on the couch, watching tv. "I got the job!" Frisk said. Sans stood up and hugged Frisk with so much joy. "Told ya' ya' could do it" Sans said. "I AM VERY PROUD OF YOU, HUMAN!" Papyrus shouted from the kitchen. "Thanks, Papy!" Frisk giggled. "So, you're a singer now. Finally, that angelic voice of yours can be heard now" Sans said. Frisk slightly blushed. "I'm not that good at singing" Frisk smiled sheepishly. "I MUST AGREE WITH SANS, HUMAN." Papyrus said as he put the spaghetti on the table. "TO CELEBRATE FRISK'S NEW JOB, WE SHALL HAVE HUMAN SPAGHETTI" Sans and Frisk went to the dining room. "Sounds yummy, Pap" Sans said. He was surprised to see plain spaghetti. There's no non edible ingredients in the spaghetti. Sans took a bite, his eyes were as big as saucers. "Pap! You're spaghetti's delicious!" Sans said and continued eating but more quickly now. Frisk and Papyrus laughed. "I LEARNED FROM THE BEST" Papyrus said winked at Frisk. Frisk smiled and gave him a thumbs up. They ate spaghetti that night with happiness.

"Wait, what?" Sans said in disbelief. "Whaddya mean you're going abroad?" Frisk rubbed her arm as she hung her head low. "Uh...I can explain. I got popular and my manager said I have to go to Australia..." Frisk said guiltily. "They forced ya'?" Sans said, a little angry. "Well, kind of..." Frisk muttered. "IT IS OK, FRISK. WE CAN STILL COMMUNICATE, RIGHT SANS?" Papyrus said, trying to stay positive. Sans' both eyes were pitch black. "I'll be back soon, Sans",Frisk said and hugged Sans tight. Sans sighed and finally hugged Frisk back. "LET ME JOIN!" Papyrus said as he carried both of them and hugged them tight. Sans and Frisk smiled, so did Papyrus.

"Whelp...we're here, kid" Sans said sadly. Frisk embraced Sans and Papyrus tighter this time. "I'm gonna miss you guys..." Frisk said through tears. "DO MOT CRY, HUMAN. YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME CRY TOO" Papyrus said, tears forming in his eyes. "Just remember, we'll always be here with ya' soul" Sans said. When they broke the hug, Sans gave Frisk a letter. "Open that letter when ya' come back here. It's kinda like a time capsule" Sans said. "I promise" Frisk said and held the letter to her chest. The trio heard it was time for Frisk to board the plane. They hugged one last time and Frisk walked towards the plane while waving at the skelebros.

3 years later...

Frisk is staying at a 5 star hotel. She's been staying there ever since she arrived from Australia, which is, already a long time ago. She's leaving for Korea today. Frisk opened her suit case to fix her things. When she was done, she saw a small pink box near her lamp shade. Frisk took the box to the table and opened it. It was full of letters. The letters are from her fans from different countries. She noticed a blue letter and opened it, she started reading.

Dear, Frisk,

                  This is Sans, hope you can still remember me. Remember I gave this letter to you as a time capsule? This is what I wanted to say; do these three easy steps as soon as you arrive and I don't care if you're exhausted as fudge. (1) dress casually (I don't like seeing you in your singer costume thingies) (2) make sure to wear your hoodie and (3) meet me at the park.

Sincerely yours,

"Crap..." Frisk said. She got dressed, took her hoodie and went out side her room. She called a taxi and told him to go to Woodburry village (forgot to tell you, the 3 used to live together there). "But ma'am, it would take 2 hours to get there" the driver said. "Then go turbo then" Frisk said calmly. The driver nodded and started driving to their destination.

~Sans' P.O.V.~ (time skip. Lazy...)

Everyday I've waited for Frisk, hoping she'd come any minute. But I would just end up coming home all alone. Papyrus would always say she'll call us but, Frisk hasn't even answer any of 'em. I'm starting to think she forgot us...Toriel, Asgore, Undyne, Alphys, MTT, Nabstablook, even Flowey, Papyrus Today, I swore that I will forget her if she doesn't come this time...even if I loved her too much. The sun was setting and she still didn't arrive. When I was about to stand up..."Sans!" I heard a familiar sweet voice said. I turned to see Frisk. She ran to me. "I'm...sorry..." Frisk said. "I guess I forgot..." "Ya' promised" I said, my tone without any emotion. "I-I know but I'm already here, right...?" She said. I'm trying not to give in with her cuteness. "That still doesn't explain why you don't answer our calls" I said. "I was busy lately..." Frisk said. I stayed quiet. She looked up to me. "Sans..."  Frisk slowly caressed my cheekbone. I sighed I don't want to lose ya'. And I can't afford to hurt ya' physically and emotionally. I've always loved ya' since the first time we met, kid"  I said. Wait, I just confessed. Frisk smiled warmly at me. "It's okay, Sans. I'm here now. Now, what do you want to do? You asked me to do the things in your letter" Frisk said, cheering up. "Right! Close you're eyes" I said. "What's the hoodie for?" "You'll see. Now close you're eyes" Frisk followed. I had a sneaky look. I gave her a small peck on the lips. She opened her eyes wide. She was blushing like a tomato, heh, so cute. She lifted up her hood. "That's why ya' need a hood" I said. "S-Sans!" Frisk tried to shout at me. "You, bonehead! I love you too, okay?!" I love ya' too" I said as I embraced her from behind.


If it's possible, my head is smoking right now. This took me some time to think of a story but it was worth it! But, I have a feeling it's boring...anyways, hope you enjoy it anyway


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