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Sam and I sat at a bar, after months of hunting down any form of Hydra or Flag Smasher, the four of us had all gone out for a break.

Steve and Bucky played pool not too far away from us, seemingly content in endless rounds with no real winner.

"I don't think that's how it's played" Sam made a general gesture toward their game with his drink, the liquid sloshing around in a drink.

"That's how we always did it" I shrugged. "That way there weren't any sore losers"

Sam laughed "but that's the point of the game"

"Not ours" I grinned at him, taking a sip of my water. I wasn't much for drinking anymore. I liked feeling in control and all alcohol did was make me feel like I lost it.

"Well if you guys do it then it must be right"


The bar we were sitting in was almost empty, the late hour a deterrent for most people in the small town. The bartender was all too happy to serve four patrons on a slow night. Music that played over the loud speaker was mostly modern country with some pop songs mixed in.

Suddenly, the bartender passed Sam, sending him a wink before the song began to change into something I hadn't heard since the forties.

With a cheesy grin, Sam got to his feet offering his hand to me. "Would you like to dance?"

A smile spread across my face before I could stop it. "How did you know?" I wondered as I took his hand.

He shrugged as he pulled me to the nearly empty dance floor. Sam slid a hand around my waist, pulling my other hand into the air. I place my hand on his shoulder as we began to sway.

"I know some people" he grinned as he spun me.

"Traitors the both of them" I shook my head as if exasperated.

"Do you like it?" Sam seemed nervous for the first time since I'd known him.

I smiled with a nod. "I love it"

He let out a sigh of relief. "I'm glad. I was kind of hoping that this could be our first date?"

I gasped dramatically. "Sam Wilson. Do you have a crush on me?"

"Yes ma'am" he replied, his Louisiana accent slipping out.

"Then yes. I think it should count" I sent a glance over at Bucky and Steve who quickly resumed what they'd been doing, acting as innocent as they could. "You planned this" I realized. "And they were in on it."

Sam laughed. "They were. Had to ask someone what you liked so it'd be a surprise"

"Mission accomplished" I returned.

"The teasing I received in return though.." Sam rolled his eyes.

"Oh that's not going to stop" I deadpanned. "They're annoying like that" I couldn't stop the smirk at the offended 'hey' that Steve yelled and Bucky echoed.

"Enhanced hearing" Sam let go to tap at his ear before he grabbed my hand again.

"I know" I shrugged. "I'd say it to their faces too"

"We're gonna get along great" Sam chuckled.

We continued to dance for a couple more songs, each from the forties or thirties while we joked around and poked fun at the other two in our little group. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect date.

Hopefully with more to come.

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