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It was odd seeing it, New York after so long. Some of the buildings that had been only for the rich were now abandoned and they had fallen into disrepair. In the distance as we were driving out of the city, I pointed out the Empire State Building.

"I remember when they built that" I turned my head to Sam, breaking the sullen atmosphere. Bucky sat in the back, his own gaze out the window, observing the city. Zemo was still unconscious in the seat behind me, whatever Sharon did to him was effective.

Sam chuckled. "I'll be honest I don't even know what year it was when they built that sucker." He glanced at me and then back to the road.

"It was in the thirties I think. All I remember is that Bucky convinced me to go climb the unfinished parts with him."

"No, you were the one who did that. I came along because I didn't want to be the one to tell Steve you had died on my watch." Bucky defended.

"Mhm. Well who's idea was it to climb the Ferris Wheel at Coney Island?" I shot back.

"That was Steve and you know it" Bucky

"It's hard to believe Captain America doing something like that." Sam replied. "I grew up on stories about him and the howling commandos, then the news practically exploded the day he came out of the ice. He was the world's first superhero"

Pride swelled in my chest. My baby brother. A real life Superman, like all those comics Steve used to read as a teenager.

"I'm happy that he made it, even managed to have a good life, although I feel like I missed out on it all, him getting married, maybe having a few kids of his own." I looked at my jeans, picking at a loose thread.

"He's a good man Laura. You and your mom did a really great job." Sam reached over, taking my hand in his and giving it a small squeeze. He gave me a hesitant side glance, however when I didn't pull away, he continued holding my hand.

Fighting the blush that was threatening to rise I sent a look at Bucky who was watching what was happening with an amused expression.

"Smooth" Bucky commented loudly and I could see Sam trying to hide his smile as he paid attention to the road.

The city began to grow more distant as we headed to the outskirts, fewer buildings passing us by as we began to be surrounded by tall trees.

"Where are we going?" I questioned watching as we turned down a dirt road not too far from a local grocery store.

"A safe house, it was established by a man named Tony Stark for the avengers. Our team kind of broke up when the world's governments tried to force us under a contract restricting the way we helped people. It was messed up and Stark had his side, Steve was on the other. Eventually the entire team minus two members named Thor and Bruce were forced to choose. Things got rocky and we didn't contact the avengers who agreed with the laws. Then the blip happened and old wounds were mended." Sam explained.

"Right, you guys told me about that, the accords right?" I turned toward him once again, Sam nodded his expression grim, he returned his hand to the steering wheel, shooting a look at Bucky in the back.

Sam pulled up to an abandoned building, one that looked to still be in good shape. Sam and Bucky circled around to the trunk, grabbing the backpack I'd been using to carry all my clothes in as well as the other bags I'd managed to grab.

Bucky lead me to the front door while Sam got Zemo, when he got to us, he leaned the unconscious man against Bucky and I. Sam pressed his thumb on a well hidden screen just below the doorbell.

"Access Granted. Welcome in Bird Brain"

"What was that?" I immediately stepped back at the voice, glancing around to ensure we hadn't been followed.

"It's just FRIDAY. Stark made an artificial intelligence that runs pretty much everything. It's like a computer butler." Sam hurriedly explained.

Eyebrows furrowed, I tentatively took a step forward. "Why does she call you bird brain"

This time Sam rolled his eyes. "Tony had a thing for nicknaming people and added it to FRIDAY as our command codes. It's just to screw with us"

"And where's Tony now?" I questioned, glancing around the small cabin as Sam let us in. It was liberally furnished without being too cramped, all the couches looked more expensive than anything I've ever owned. This place was obviously made for a group of people.

"He uh, he died saving everyone" Sam answered as he made his way into the kitchen, checking the refrigerator to made sure it was stocked. Bucky dropped Zemo on one of the couches as well as the bags beside it.

"He was the one who snapped, right? So he was married to the Pepper lady and she was the one who helped you find clothes for me" I sat on the stool near the counter, resting my arms against the marble, trying to connect the various dots.

Sam stood in front of me, the only thing separating us was the counter. "That's correct. She's right down the road if you need anything. I'll shoot Pepper a text, tell her we're here. Although I'm sure FRIDAY already has"

"I have. Boss wants to meet the unknown. She will be arriving shortly."

"Thank you FRIDAY" San sighed.

"You don't seem all that excited to see her" I observed, watching as the two shifted uncomfortably. Bucky moved away from the couch, and toward me, effectively placing himself between me and the front door.

"I haven't seen her in person since... well before we fought Tony in Siberia. Steve said he wasn't holding any grudges, but I don't know if she does." Bucky crossed his arms.

"Why'd you fight in Siberia?" I looked at Bucky, eyebrow quirked. They'd neglected that part of the story when they were filling me in.

He winced. "Just - don't mention Stark's parents"

"Wait." I spoke, alarmed, my eyes widening. "We didn't-" at Bucky's guilty expression, I winced as well. "We did, didn't we? "A grim feeling flowed over the room, thick with guilt. "Well, we'll deal with that if the situation arises"

Glancing at Sam, the memory of our argument before everything that happened weighed on me and I chewed on my lip for a moment before clearing my throat. "Hey Buck, you think you'll be alright for a minute if Pepper comes?" He gave a confused nod, but that was all I needed before turning back toward Sam. "Can I talk to you"

Sam sent a look to Bucky before following me toward a different part of the house, allowing the both of us a small amount of privacy when we entered a bedroom.

"Look if this is about what happene-" he began as soon as the door was shut.

"It wasn't right what I said. There's a lot of things I don't know about your decision and I'm sorry"

Sam put his hand on my shoulder. "I understand. I should have moved the conversation away from that, you'd just come off a panic attack."

"That doesn't excu-"

He set his hands on my arms. "Laura. I'd already forgiven you the second you'd left the bathroom." He promised with a soft smile. "How are you holding up?"

I wanted to laugh, not quite expecting that question. "I'm fine"

Sam searched my eyes for a moment, before he sighed. "I'm here if you need to talk to someone"

Nodding, I placed my hand on his. "I appreciate it" Before he could reply, the sound of the front door opening startled me. "I guess that's Pepper"

"I hope so" Sam lead the way back toward the front room where Bucky and a strawberry blonde woman were standing awkwardly on opposite sides of the room.

"Ah, you must be Laura." The woman gave me a warm smile, even if her eyes were calm and calculating. "I'm Pepper." She crossed the room, extending her hand out toward me.

"Well I guess you already know my name" I returned her handshake, glancing at Bucky before returning to Pepper. "I think I have you to thank for my fashion sense in this century"

She laughed, dropping her hand to her side. "Glad to help." She sent a look to the couches behind her. "Should we sit?"

Sam nodded, silently corralling Bucky and I toward one of the couches while he sat on the one right next to us and Pepper sat across from me.

"So.." I began, not really knowing what to do.

"How are you adjusting?" Pepper asked, seemingly also trying to break the awkwardness.

"Its kind of strange, it's all so different, like the internet, which is so helpful" I commented, subtly leaning into Bucky's side.

"You grew up in the forties right? How was that?" Pepper folded her hands in her lap, twisting the wedding band on her ring finger.

"Um well up until the war, the most exciting this was always the Stark Expos" I mentioned offhandedly, before internally kicking myself. The boys stiffened slightly, all of us watching Pepper's reactions.

She only seemed more intrigued. "Did you know Howard?"

"Kind of" I licked my lips. "We went to the same school all our lives but Bucky and I just stuck with Steve and kept to ourselves."

Pepper hummed, her sights set on Bucky. "Steve has told some stories about your adventures growing up."

"Did he tell you how Laura got the nickname Peaches?" Bucky chimed in, shifting slightly at the attention.

I narrowed my eyes at my supposed best friend. "I will murder you in your sleep" I whispered under my breath.

Sam choked on air as his eyes widened. Bucky smirked, unfazed at the playful threat, before turning to Pepper and recounting the embarrassing story.

The strawberry blonde's smile only grew as the story progressed, a vague look of amused shock settling on her features. "Wow. I didn't expect that from you"

Sending Bucky a death glare, I softened my expression as I turned toward the woman. "They were annoying teenage boys, they deserved it"

Pepper's phone buzzed and she pulled it out of her pocket before bursting into laughter. "Speaking of teen boys, mine are stuck babysitting their little sister and she's got them wrapped around her finger"

She got up, moving toward us so that she could show us a picture of two boys who were dressed in bright pink play dresses along with a tiara to complete the look as they sipped fake tea out of the small plastic, heart shaped cups.

I couldn't hide my amusement as the next picture showed one of the boys diving for the other as he laughed.

"Anyways, I have to go save poor Peter, but you three are invited to dinner if you're interested" Pepper gave one last smile as she pocketed her phone.

Getting to my feet, I politely thanked her as she left, leaving the cabin in stunned silence.

The corners of Sam's mouth dipped down in a 'not bad' expression. "That went well"

"I don't think she knows" Bucky spoke from his spot on the couch.

"Then we won't tell her. If Tony didn't do it before he died, then he must not have wanted her to know" Sam crossed his arms as he leaned against the wall in the kitchen.

My thoughts drifted from the conversation. Pepper seemed like a kind woman, one with three kids to take care of. I couldn't stay here, not with Hydra on our trail, I'd only endanger them further. Especially since all Hydra had to do to get me under their control is utter ten words.

I couldn't put Sam or Bucky in harm's way anymore. Not with Bucky finally free of his words. Hydra's desperate to get us back under their control.

Maybe it'd be best if I split the pair, make Bucky less of a target.


I'll do that.

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