Chapter 1

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A.N: Hellooooooo to anyone reading this. I hope you have a good time reading this cause I'm gonna have a good time writing this and I hope I finish it. This is mostly fiction.

So you know how sometimes, life's just messed up and you start to cry for no apparent reason? Well... I'm doing just that, only thing is I have a reason and life's still messed up.

Hi, I'm Eleanor Adebisi Oluwaseun and I'm 24. I'm Irish-Nigerian, came to Ireland through asylum when I was fifteen, grew up in Ireland with God's grace, during my college years, my parents went back to Nigeria while I decided to stay here. I work at an interior designing company called Lohan's Best. I have a dog named Oliver whom I love very much. I got him from an odd but nice old man in my apartment building who moved in with his family and asked if I wanted Oliver cause his son hates dogs.

Where were we. 

Ah yes, life's messed up. I'm at a business conference for my company and its boring or maybe its because I don't want to listen. I'm the kind of person who starts thinking about life when I'm bored so that's what I'm doing. The flashbacks bring tears to my eyes so I blink them back and pretend like I dropped something so I can wipe the upcoming tears. My life was a wreck, let's say from when I was five to twenty-one. I was a wreck, I made some stupid decisions, I did really stupid things when I was younger that could make people thing I was crazy. It seemed like I was attracted to bad luck or maybe it was the other way around.  I can't stop the tears so I excuse myself and I cry harder in the restroom. I'm still crying in the toilet stall when I hear footsteps. I quickly wipe my tears and flush the toilet, step out, not bothering to see who entered. I wash my hands and use a tissue to wipe my face. I don't wear makeup so no mascara to fix. 

Trying to avoid eye contact with anyone as I step out of the restroom, I keep my head down, I get to the conference room and I notice that its over, I pack my tablet and my notes and I'm leaving , with my head still staring at the floor. I notice weird looks as I head for the exit but I don't care, its better than them actually seeing my face. I call  Cara on my way out to tell her that I've left the conference hall. She doesn't pick up her phone so I just leave a message. I get to the parking lot, put my stuff in the car and drive off. I try not to cry again as I cry There's a red light and my phone rings. I check the caller and its my mum. I sigh cause I hope she doesn't notice that I've been crying. 

"Hello mummy" I answer

"Seun, hello? How are you? Do you have a cold, your voice sounds off, I hope you are not catching cold again. I've told you, be taking garlic and ginger every morning with warm water and honey, that cold will disappear" she starts without waiting for a response "Don't worry" as if I was worrying "That cold will go. How was your day?"

"My day was fine thank you. How is daddy, is everything okay over there?" I ask to distract her from me. If I don't she'll go on and on. I love my mum but right now I don't need her blabbering to me. (If you know what I mean) 

"Your dad is fine , he went to take a walk. He just left not long ago. I just called to greet you and to see how you're doing. Make sure you take what I told you ok?" 

"Yes ma" I replied. "Ok mummy, we'll talk later I'm driving right now, greet daddy for me, bye" 

"Ok dear, God be with you" she said. I waited for her to cut the call. I never cut the call on someone even if I'm the one who called, its just weird. I drove on, got home and as I passed Margaret the apartment receptionist. She is the only person I talk to in this whole apartment building. I waved at her and smiled. Using the elevator, I got to my apartment and opened the door. 

"Oliver?" I called out hoping he wasn't destroying any of my sneakers and never the heels. He always goes for my beautiful sneakers and I keep forgetting to buy him toys. "Oliver, I'm back and please don't tell me you're chewing on my shoes cause that's wrong of you" The border collie jumped out of my room barking excitedly and I kinda have the feeling he's done something wrong. "Oliver, I love you but if you chewed on any of my stuff, I will...." I don't even know what I will do. 

I cautiously entered my room and my room was trashed, it seemed like some naughty kid who hated me came in here. I don't even know where to start from. I check my sneakers in . I'm tired and I'm not really ready to start dealing with this and my beautiful Oliver is as happy as ever. I change from my office wear and put on my comfiest clothes with sneakers. I couldn't leave Oliver all by himself so I had to take him for my walk.

"Oliver, come on lets go" I called from the door cause Oliver was still inside the apartment. His familiar bark echoed through to me and I smiled as I saw him bound through the door and run past me. "When I said lets go, I didn't mean go ahead of me Oliver" I locked the door and ran to catch up with him.. We head out, I wave at Margaret and Oliver does his bark greeting thing. I put Oliver's leash on and let him lead the way. I'm thinking about today again when I smell the familiar  scent of chocolate and caramel. I realize that Oliver brought us to our favorite café. Its one of the few places around here that sells a unique mix of caramel hot chocolate and it allows domestic animals. I gladly follow Oliver to the door and open it. As we go in, heads turn our way and Oliver barks and I wince, one thing I don't like is when there are a lot of people here, its usually full and I'm not the kind of person who likes being around too many people. 

We first go over to see Mr. Connor who is forever fond of Oliver. We head to the counter and Oliver reaches for it, I laugh which attracts a few attention. Mr. Connor comes out beaming at Oliver. 

"Looks like our good man here is excited, isn't he?" Mr. Connor says on seeing Oliver's viscously wagging tail, sometimes, I'm scared of that tail. Mr. Connor is an old man who speaks like an old man. "I'll say, I think he has shot an arrow in the café" Mrs. Connor buts in. Mrs. Connor believes Oliver is the dog of the god of Love, Cupid( I'll advice you to read that again). She claims she had a dream about the day her and Mr. Connor first met and Oliver was there and he made them fall in love. So every time, Oliver's excited like he is now, she says things like 'he's found a match or he has shot an arrow'. Mr. Connor rolls his eyes and wipes the counter as Mrs. Connor goes back inside the bakery. 

"So you want the usual Eleanor?" Mr. Connor asks.

"Yes please" I lead Oliver to our spot at the back of the café where I can see anyone who comes in and goes out. We settle down and it seems like Oliver has calmed down cause he's not wagging that tail anymore and he looks serious like he's concentrating which is weird. That's one of the reasons why I love this dog, he's weird, just like me.

A waitress brings my caramel hot chocolate and puts a bag on the table. I look at her curiously.

"Its from Mr. Connor, he said its for your dog" she answers my unasked question. 

"Thanks and tell him I said thank you"

"Yeah" she leaves. 

I open the bag of treats for Oliver and feed him, when he's done, I take my drink. Mean while, Oliver just sits there waiting patiently for me to finish, its our routine. I finish my drink, go over to the counter and pay to Mr. Connor.

"Thanks for the treat Mr. Connor"

"You're welcome, its actually from Ciara, she said she put in extra love into it so Oliver could work his magic" he said putting air quotes around the "work his magic" and rolling his eyes. I smiled, "Tell her we're saying thank you" I said and we turned to leave. "Hey Eleanor", Mrs. Connor cried out from the bakery, hold on, I have something else for Olive" sometimes her brain fails her. I turned back to the counter and waited. I hope she doesn't take long I was ready to leave soon. As I was waiting, about three guys came wearing business suits. I guessed they were coming from the conference cause I saw one of them there. Like I said, I don't like people so I turned from their view so I wouldn't' see them. Mrs. Connor was taking longer than I expected. I was still holding Oliver's leash when I felt a pull. I looked back and Oliver was trying to go over to the guys beside me. I cursed silently and pulled him back hoping he would get the hint but of course he didn't. 

"Oliver" I whispered loudly "stop it" he kept pulling on the leash so I just let him go, sometimes, its easier to just let him do what he wants, he went to them and got their attention. I looked over to them and they were petting Oliver like they owned him. One of them looked really familiar and as I focused more I realized who it was . "Noah?"

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