A Generous Day .

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Today I started the day as usual ...

Do you know about electronic  waste ?

In present whole  worldwides are use electronic devices .

These are much more harmful to the environment than other wastes, for example, if a microchip about two grams is discarded after use, its element may combine with the surrounding environment to form about 26 kilograms of harmful material . It's too terrible .

About 50% of the computers manufactured by developed countries are discarded because they are completely or partially unusable, but they provide the equipment to developing countries for free or for a small fee, making developing countries electronic waste collectors .

Due to the release of electronic devices into the open environment as garbage , if they are incinerated in any way , their contents can mix with the raw material and chemical compound and then mix with water and soil , passing through the food chain and causing adverse effects to humans .

Containers, such as CDV, televisions, calculators, radios, electric keyboards, cameras, computers, medical devices, mobile phones, dry cells, and multimedia projectors are among the most frequently identified pollutants in the environment .

To minimize these, people should know about these things.  they know these things very well , but they didn't count on the environment or as I think they don't know we do respiration through the oxygen gas give from environment .

I don't know wether , nature is remain for future ??

Today , I gifted new dresses , books and other needs to poor children for study . In these days we all have difficulties for live . I know It's not mine money . I'm not an independent . I'm still a child .. actually It's my parents money .. the day I'm an indipendent , I can gift gifts for poor children from my own money ..

We live a very short time of period , for these short time , we should identify reality and share love , happiness and live a happyful life .

Good night all :))

Have sweet dreams my lovely readers ...

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