A Lazy Day .

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Today has been a lazy day for me . Today it is raining and it is very lazy and very cold .

Sunday is a day when we go out as a family and have fun because of covid 19 virus it is not possible in these days .

It rained uniformly throughout the day .

My sister and me lazy in the bed , curled up our blankets , and we sang song louder that the sound of the rain .

That too is a lot of fun .

At the end of one song we sang another song as a game .

Today I learned the basics of cooking from my mother . Today I learned that there are many basic things we need to consider when preparing food .

This holiday season I'm gradually learning them from my mom .

I learned from my mother today that we need to be accustomed to preparing food that is clean and beautiful when it comes to its nutrition value .👩‍🍳

Today is a cold day so she gave us a very hot , tasty and spicy lunch . My sister and me helped my mom when preparing lunch .

In the evening I tidied up my wardrobe . No matter how neatly arranged the wardrobe , I can not maintain it for a long time. It get messed up quickly . Reason for that my excitement .

Today my mind is very restless ..
Exactly I don't know reason.....

Many people in my country still die today to covid 19 ... I can't stand people all over the world dying from this disease .
When will this covid 19 epidemic end ?

I tried a lot of time in bed with closed my eyes to avoid the uneasiness in my heart .

I woke up to my father's voice .

" baby are you sick today ? "

Dad came home after finished working

" dad are you came to home ? I'm fine dad . I didn't hear you coming home...."

I spented most of the evening talking with my dad . I like spending time with my dad....

Today is over....

See you in another day....

Good night all.....

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