A Lovely Sunday Day .

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Today I started the day as usual.....

Today I can join the bird assembly ..

Before covid 19 we go outside.. but now we can't go outside...

We can't stay as a prisoner... stop think in bad situation.... stop it .. we can't stay like this ...

Think good situation about covid 19 ... I'm so proud about me .. in covid season I successfully in my life .... I open youtube channel....

I'm so happy I got 2k ( 2000 ) views  in very  small time of period ..

Today I made a fruit juice...

I think  It's have  good taste....😁😁

My father appriciate it ...

I changed my room as new version...

After that my mind has feel so cool .... I like to fresh day by day ..

I spend lot of time in our garden.... I saw lot of bird nests in our garden... They choose our garden to build there nest ....

I think our garden is suitable for birds....

And also our garden is  paradise of butterfly.... 😊

I don't know what is reason for it .... I think beacauce of colourful flowers....

In these days we should be happy in small things also ...

I already happy situation know .....😉😉  bad thing or good thing .. I'm in happy situation ...

My mom and me made " kutlets " for tea time 😋

Today our vegetable plants have blooming flower and some plants have flower buds ..

I'm so happy...😀😀

Day is over as a lovely day ... Today birds also was happy because I participate their assembly...

Good night all....

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