A Research with Animals .

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Today I started the day as usual ..

I didn't have any online class today so I got a idea to search about animals ... 

After research I get some details .. here some of them ..

Did you know ,, Animals have few rights, but people have every right to be live .

Those who protect and save other animals lead the way in protecting and saving humanity and earth .

No other animal on earth has portrayed such disregard for life than man kind .

Treating all animals with dignity, respect, and care is an essential part of a spiritual lifestyle .

Peace , Freedom , The joy of living. This is what all animals seek.

The best way to have a good life is to have a good heart .

One day we will know that all animals have a soul. Hopefully this knowledge does not come when it is too late .

We search for life on other planets and in other regions of our galaxy.  Meanwhile, we destroy and ignore the other life on this planet.

Man discards and destroys quickly, Nature recovers and repairs slowly.  Either we must slow down or nature must speed up.  It is best we act first by protecting nature ..

Our purpose is simple.  to love to love each other, to love all life, and to love our Earth .

Don't treat animals as animals.  Treat them as living being .

Love , has the power to cure, to heal, to calm, to change, and to unite.  Use this power often when dealing with animals because animals have a lovely and very sensitive heart .. I have lot of experience of that .. when I love them, they also love me in their hearts .. they are not like people .. they  show us real love.  I also feel real love when I'm dealing with animals .. today I was deal with a dog on road .. his leg as an injury .. I want to medicine him but he don't like it .. when I show love  to him .. he wave his tail and come near me and show love to me .. that time quickly medicine to him ..

Today I make a kind request to you , please show love to animals because they essential love .. don't show facke love to them .. they love you really ..

The love and kindness within our soul is revealed in the twinkle of our eyes, the glow of our smiles, and the gentleness of our words .

Good night all  :))

Have sweet dreams ...

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