A Strange Day .

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Today I started the day as usual ..

Different countries have different cultures .. Sri lanka have culture tightly .. I know we should have to respect it but I'm bored it . Specially this culture is connect with girls .

girls have to face it . It's difficult , only need patience ..

What do you think about to be a girl ? Is that is easy ? No , It's too difficult .. As I feel the most common questions girls have is appearance , education , dating , bullying , friendship , self - esteem depression and menstruation ..

As Maxim Gorky says , the world exists with sunlight and mom's milk .. I agree with it ..

Lot of girls think about their skin , their body shape and their hair . Yes but I think we should have to beautiful in our soul , not in the outside .. we should have to be perfect in our knowledge not in these things . I don't tell to don't do these things but over thinking is not suitable ..

I love being called pretty, but I'll never believe it . I'm not always right, but admitting l'm wrong.  I'm almost always smiling, but it's not always real . I can be read like on open book , but I hide so much.  I work hard at things, but don't always get what I deserve . I know it .  However , I'm happy to be a girl .

Today is a strange day . I'm so tired .. I wanna get my sleep ..

Good night all :))

Have sweet dreams my lovely readers ..

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