A Terrible Day .

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Today I started the day as usual ..

Wish you Happy Halloween 🎃👻 ...

Today is free day for me .. because of yesterday tired I'm too late to woke up .. my mom told me " don't worry darling , it's not too late "

In the afternoon I load some knowledge to my mind ..

You all are know why I try to load knowledge for my mind .

After a long time , I went see my vegetable plants but some plants was die .. I'm sorry ...

Tomorrow again we have to went temple because tomorrow we will give the morning alms to the temple . Thero leader of temple  is good . When we go to temple The Venerable Thero Dhamma preach to us for understanding Nirvana .

Now you can think what is known as nirvan ? Buddists are know it well ..

We are born, we die, we are born, we die, the Buddha preached the Dhamma for realized that to close this and realize nirvan . Now you can understand what is nirvan ..

But sometimes you will not understand what I say , don't worry , it's ok ..

In evening , I go near my mom and I told mom "  my first meet ,  my first kiss , my first love is you my mom " she ask me " what you need for told me like that "

I told her ; mom can I go to outside  ?

She told me ; okay , but carefull , use sanitizers and wear macks always ..

So I went to outside , when I walking on the road , I'm going help a small insect but she bitt me .. my hand convert to pink colour . I didn't count on it .

After buy my needs , I back to home and get a small relax .

Now my hand is so terrible and it's convert to dark pink colour . I quickly get a medicine to it .. I think that insect is a bee ..

Primary schools started . So my sister go school tomorrow . I don't know what will happen tomorrow .

Good night all ..

Have sweet dreams my dearest readers ..

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