Saturday lesson .

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Today I started the day as usual...

You all are know how I spend Saturday . After finished 7 online classes , As you know my situation is not good .. maximumly only we can  look at the screen is 3 hours. But I pass it .. it's not good for my eyes .. I didn't have to do something .. I can't stop learning while  my dreams are prove ..

Nobody cares.  keep studying .

However I learned lot of things today ..

You can check you are good citizen or not by your self ... I can give you a small trick . See wether is these things do you have or not ..

* Lawfulness

* Selfless
* creative
* kindness ( Be kind to unkind people, because they need it the most. )
* Merciful
* Helpful
* Live a peaceful life
* Generous
*  Friendly
* Honesty
* Humble
* Respect all lives
* Live a simple life style
* Discipline

Here some of them .. there are lot of things .. I think you all have these things in your life ..

These things are more or less present in your lives . I urge you to keep more of the good stuff of it .

be a good person but don't waste your time by proving it.

In the evening I have a small free time about 30 minutes .. in that free time , I planted a flowering plant near my window .. I plant it near my window Because again when I throw away my travelling bag I can find it easily without climbing mango tree ..yesterday I was climb a mango tree so  my leg also injured by climb tree  .I didn't tell it to my mom yet  .. please don't tell it to my mom .. she will blame me .. I know it's not suitable for girl .. but I didn't have any trick to get my travelling bag .. so I climb tree ..

Good night all ...

Have sweet dreams....

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