World environmental health day .

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Today I started the day as usual... worshiped buddha and meditated 20 minutes ..

Next as a habbit I go to check my email ..  it have lot of emails .

I saw a email , it's wonderful.. that email can make lot works to me . because it cames by University of south Australia . Thay are told me today is  world environmental health day and you have to make a presentation for it ..

This day is very important to me because I always with nature mom..

If nature mom ill we also ill so we have to keep nature mom's health very  well . Because we breathe air giving by nature mom and we eat foods giving by the nature mom . By doing the process of photosynthesis .

And the big process done by nature mom is the process of photosynthesis . The process of photosynthesis is making  foods and making oxygen gas for breath . For that nature get some factors . It's amazing .we can't made food by our own because we are heterotrophic . That's why I tell nature is amazing .

And also all animals  are depend on nature . Not only animals we also depend with nature direct or indirectly .

And Nature is control climatic changes and north pole and South pole climate also .. it's fantastic ..

We are amazing creations of nature ... our body systems , tissues , organs all are the creations done by nature .

So I made a presentation about world environmental health day .

It was very nice .

" If you really love nature , you will find beauty everywhere . "

As I think  polythene is a serious problem to nature . I tell to my dear readers please  minimize usage of polythene and protect the nature mom from polythene . I separated polythene from my garden today . If you can do it .. Because of polythene our nature is damage lot .. so please separate polythene from nature and also you can recycle the polythene .

For tea time mom made special  cake today .

Good night all :))))

Have sweet dreams my dear readers ..

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