Chapter 12

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Zurro felt the embarrassment wash off as she held his hand firmly, dragging him along with her.

"Say! Ice! Do you wanna see where the rest of my relatives were created?!" She asked, glancing over at him, her vibrant smile removing all the redness that was on her face.

"Mother doesn't know I've been there. So keep it secret, would ya?" She held a finger to her mouth, indicating for him to keep it secret. "She was going to take me, but Alex took me there to show me it." Zurro adds.

Alex is a special gem; he was the last bit of darkness kept hidden in Uzo's gem. Uzo hated to create Alex just to save herself, but she had to. He turned out to be the best son she ever had.

Finding out later after he saved another dimension Uzo, she found out he was a hidden proxi. ((Don't judge <<))

Alex was spoiled, no questions about it. His powers? Well, he's very attractive, no matter how much they thought he was ugly; he had that power to make anyone love him.

Alex is an Off Color, so that explains why he's random at times and he isn't really strong. He was the last secret Uzo kept from her grandmothers', he was made on Earth, just like Uzo.

Ice nodded as he followed. "Alright! " he said happily. He was told of such a place by his mother, but he had never went there himself.

Zurro led him along for what felt like forever. Pretty soon, they reached the Kindergarten of the lost Rose Quartz army from a long time ago. This was also the area Uzo made Alex.

Thousands of miles of huge deserted mountains  stretched before them; each one had the same holes in them. Many empty, destroyed gem making machines everywhere along with the shards of some of the left over Rose Quatrz'.

"Alex told me that each hole was where the gems came out of–" She got cut off.

"Indeed I did, little sissy!!" A tall feminine figure lands in front of them as it was Alex. He had an almost Sans smile and long, thick, waved curled, black hair. His black orbs met Ice's as he grinned.

"So she brought you!? Such a sweet treat!" He giggles.

Ice looked over at the medium size gem in surprised of his presence. "Why do you say such things, Alex?" He asked, his facial expression changing to a curious one, but yet, unamused.

Alex was the second hand made gem made by Uzo, also being an old babysitter of the two gems when they were gemlings.

Alex just laughed, ignoring his questions. "Ah you ask too much Ice!" Alex took Zurro into his arms as she felt weird. "Alex, don't touch me like that. It makes me uncomfortable, remember?" Zurro looked away.

"Oh sorry!" He laughs as he then waves them forward. "Wanna see where I was made?" Alex grins a bit evil like, but didn't intend it that way at all.

Ice looked at Zurro, then at Alex and then at Zurro again. "Do you want to?" he asked for Zurro's concern first, before going.

Zurro adjusted her postured. Alex's power wasn't able to work on her due to her own powers being stronger than his and hers being about the same.

She never told anyone about it, except Ice because he didn't understand it, which was why she told him.

"Yeah, why not. I tried looking for it before, but never found it." Zurro mumbles.

As a gemling, Zurro and Alex would end up fighting all the time about who was Uzo's favorite.

So Zurro was a bit jealous of Alex, in a way.

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